Chapter 38

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No One's Perspective:

The next day, after a memorial service for Cedric, all students began packing their things for the train ride home. Lindsay and Lillian were more reserved than ever, but secretly grateful that they were able to have a bit of alone time.

They boarded the train that afternoon, and Lindsay, Lillian, and Anna went to their own compartment to sit together. Fred and George decided to respect their need for space and sit elsewhere.

Most of the train ride was filled with Lindsay's and Anna's tears as Lillian tried to comfort them. She still hadn't cried in a public setting, and she didn't intend too.

The girls didn't see Fred or George when they got to the station, as they weren't looking for them, and they went home the moment they found their parents. All three of them needed rest.

Lindsay's Perspective:

"Lindsay, come here!" My father yelled up the stairs. It had been only a few days since I had gotten home from school.

"Coming!" I shouted back to him.

I walked through the dark, dreary hallways, slowly making my way to my father's very secret study. I had made a choice, and nobody could stop me.

I turned the handle of the study door and walked in.

"Ah," a snake-like voice hissed. "Lindsay Malfoy."

I bowed my head, showing respect. "Dark Lord."

"Lucius, I feel your daughter will be of much service to me," Voldemort said, sneering.

Father, trying to cover up his shaky voice, grinned slightly. "I'm very, very pleased."

"I know how to get into the Order of the Phoenix. I can be of use to you as a spy," I said, merely to chase any of Voldemort's doubts away.

He chuckled. "You've got spirit! Show me your wrist."

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