Chapter 9

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People began to skirt around Lillian and Harry in the halls as if they were about to sprout fangs or spit poison. Students muttered, pointed, and hissed as they passed, often together with Fred, George, Ron, Hermione, and Lindsay.

The twins found this all very funny. Fred and George marched ahead of Lillian and Harry shouting, "Make way for the Heirs of Slytherin, seriously evil witch and wizard coming through..."

Percy was deeply disapproving of this behavior.

"It is not a laughing matter." He said coldly.

"Oh, get out of the way, Percy." Said Fred, "They're in a hurry."

"Yeah, they're off to the Chamber of Secrets for a cup of tea with their fanged servant." Said George, lauding.

The twins often asked the pair of them who they were going to attack next.

Ginny didn't like this, "Oh, don't."

It got old after awhile, but both Lillian and Harry were glad that someone found humor in the complete absurdity of the matter. It did sound quite ludicrous that Harry or Lillian could be the Heirs of Slytherin.

When Christmas came, Lillian, Lindsay, Fred, and George sat in the kitchen exchanging gifts while the house elves served them treats. They had already eaten their Christmas dinner and were waiting to hear the outcome of Harry, Hermione, and Ron's experience with Polyjuice Potion.

"Wow, Lillian, thanks." Fred grinned at her.

Lillian nodded and smiled. She had gotten him a book on Quidditch, one of the things Fred absolutely adored about life in the Wizarding World.

George sat in awe as well. Lindsay had also gotten him a book about Quidditch, though the difference was that George's book held the most important facts and details about all the players of the Chudley Cannons, the twin's favorite team.

George leaned over to Lindsay and kissed her. Lillian kissed Fred.

"Don't worry, we have something for you." Fred said.

He and George each pulled out an envelope and handed it to the girls. Lillian and Lindsay pulled out a pink card decorated with red hearts. Inside, the twins had asked the girls to spend Valentine's Day with them.

Lillian looked up and kissed Fred again, "Of course."

Lindsay blushed and nodded.

By midnight, Lillian, Lindsay, Fred, and George were in the Gryffindor common room, sitting by the fire. Ron and Harry came running in.

"Where's Hermione?" Lillian asked.

"She got partially turned into a cat. She picked up the wrong hair, so we took her to the hospital wing." Harry said.

"But listen to this!" Ron exclaimed, "The Chamber of Secrets was opened when Lucius Malfoy was at school. That means it must have been Lucius and now he's left it to Draco." Ron looked to Lindsay, "No offense."

"None taken." Lindsay smiled, "I wouldn't put it past him."

"I guess that settles that, then." Fred said.

"We just need evidence." Lillian said.

"Or no one will believe us." George finished.

It seemed that the girls and the twins were finishing each other's sentences. They were, after all, best friends.

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