Chapter 50

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Lillian's Perspective:

I apparated to the Ministry. I was nervous. I didn't know how the interview was going to go, I didn't know if I was going to get the job, and I didn't know who was going to be conducting the interview.

There was too much noise in my head as I walked into the Ministry. I quieted my mind and focused on appearing intelligent. After all, I graduated top of my class at Hogwarts. I did have some credibility.

"Ms. Kintanara?" A familiar voice asked as I waited in a lobby. I had checked in at the front desk and then was sent to the level that held the Auror's offices.

I turned to face Percy Weasley. My interviewer.


"You may come with me," he said tensely.

He led me to a room a few doors down the hall. Percy sat down at the table that was in the room, and I sat directly across from him. He opened a file.

"Lillian Kintanara, former Ravenclaw, Captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch Team, Top of your graduating class, and my brother's boyfriend. Right away, I'm going to knock a few points off for your poor choice of partner. Let us begin. Why do you want this job?" He asked.

I was momentarily shocked by how much he had just spewed about me, but I gathered myself and answered his question.

"I would like this job because I have always wanted to work at the Ministry. It has been my dream since I was a child."

"And what makes you think you're qualified?"

"I passed all my O.W.L.S. with O scores, and I passed my N.E.W.T.S. on the same level. I was top of my class, and I consistently read books that have to do with the history of the Wizarding world and our form of government. Which, by the way, I would classify as something between a Monarchy and a Democracy," I said.

Percy made a few notes.

"What do you hope to accomplish with this internship?" He asked.

"To one day be the Mistress of Magic."

He snorted, but wrote it down anyway.

"If you don't get that position?"

"Secretary to the Minister or an Auror. I'd be fine with either."

He made another note.

"Well done, that is all I need from you. We will get back to you by owl tomorrow," he said, standing.

I left the Ministry a few moments later, and apparated back to Diagon Alley.

For the rest of the day, I laid in bed, too exhausted to move.

Fred's Perspective:

I went up to the apartment for my lunch break while George covered the shop. I didn't know when Lillian would be back, but she told me she'd only be an hour or two. I decided to check the bedroom to see if she was doing something.

The door was open, but I glanced at her bed and found her fast asleep. As I approached her sleeping form, I realised that she was on the verge of a nightmare. I didn't have much time to be up here, and as much as I wanted to stay with her, I knew I couldn't. I had responsibilities just like she had hers.

I didn't know what to do, so I softly sang a few bars of an old song and held her hand, hoping it would be enough to calm her down.

"Hold on, I still want you,

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