Chapter 12

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The next morning, Lillian wasn't feeling herself. She knew, the moment her feet touched the cold, stone floor, that she was going to be more reserved than ever before. The dementor attack had severely changed her life more than she wanted to admit.

Lillian walked out of Ravenclaw Tower feeling physically stronger than she had the night before. Mentally, she wanted to crawl back into bed and rest.

As he said, Fred was waiting just outside the door. He gave Lillian a hug.

"How are you feeling today?" He asked, taking her hand and leading her down the stairs.

"Not much better than last night, to be honest." Lillian answered.

"I was going to guess that. You're looking a bit pale." Fred kissed her cheek, "Didn't sleep well?"

Lillian shook her head, "Nightmare."

Fred got the hint that he had already pushed his limit. He stopped asking.

Fred made Lillian sit at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. She didn't feel like eating, but Fred got her to eat a piece of toast.

The Heads of Houses began to pass out the schedules.

"Ah, there you are, Ms. Kintanara. I never know which table you'll be sitting at!" Professor Flitwick handed her a sheet of parchment.

"I can move if you'd like." Lillian said.

Professor Flitwick shook his head, "Oh, no, that won't be necessary. You're a perfect example of how the Houses can get along."

Lillian looked down at her schedule as Flitwick left. At least she'd have Potions with Lindsay that morning.

Lillian walked slowly up to Charms where she sat in the back. She didn't want to have much to do with the class. Professor Flitwick droned on and on for about a half hour describing the importance of O.W.L.S. and explaining that the testing would take place at the end of the year.

Her next class was Potions with Lindsay where Snape went over O.W.L.S. again.

"I don't know how many times I'm going to be able to handle the same speech." Lindsay whispered to Lillian when Snape had turned his head.

Lillian nodded in agreement.

"Today we are going to make a Draught of Peace. The directions are on the board." Snape flicked his wand, "You have until the end of class to submit a vial to me."

Lillian and Lindsay got to work right away, excited to begin working on the potion. Halfway through, Cedric got stuck.

"What did I miss?" He looked up at Lillian and Lindsay, whom he was sharing a table with.

Lillian scanned the directions and then looked at the color of Cedric's potion.

"Umm, I think you missed the third ingredient and then you have to stir three times counterclockwise." Lillian answered quickly.

Cedric squinted at the board and nodded, "Yeah, that's what I thought, but don't I have to put it in in order?"

Lillian nodded, "Yes, so you're going to have to start over. If you just empty your cauldron and take some of mine, you can. I finished my potion."

Cedric looked up, "I don't think that's fair."

"Cedric, if you hadn't missed the third line, you wouldn't have gotten that awful yellow color. Take some of hers." Lindsay encouraged him.

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