Chapter 10

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Lillian was in the Hospital wing. She didn't have to open her eyes to tell. The blankets were warm and she wasn't wearing her heavy robes. Her stomach and leg were burning. She could tell that there were people around her. There was a slight amount of talking, she could feel the body heat, and whoever they were, they seemed to be holding her hands. Lillian didn't want to open her eyes. She knew that there would be lots of questions and attention she didn't want. But finally, she didn't have a choice.

She slowly opened her eyes. The first thing she registered was Mrs. Weasley giving her the biggest hug from the right.

"Oh, my dear, I'm so glad you're okay." She said. There was a slight quaver in her voice.

Lillian looked up and saw Fred's smiling face, also from the right. He nodded his head to the left where Lillian hadn't looked. Lillian squeezed his hand, he squeezed back, and she turned her head. She saw her smiling parents.

"Hi, mama." Lillian said weakly.

Violet kissed her daughter's forehead and cried as she hugged Lillian. Lillian turned her eyes to Joel. He was holding his wife's hand and Lillian's hand. He grinned at her.

Violet pulled away, "How do you feel?"

"Like hell, but I'm with my favorite people, so I can't feel that bad." Lillian grinned.

Her parents smiled softly. Lillian looked over her parents shoulder's and saw that Lindsay was up. Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco were around her. The school year must have ended.

"What happened since I've been out?" Lillian asked.

Violet and Joel looked at Fred, waiting for his explanation.

"Well, Harry got you, Ginny, Ron, and Lockhart out of the Chamber with Fawkes the Phoenix. You weren't even conscious when he did. Fawkes carried you guys to Dumbledore's office. He called for McGonagall and Madam Pompfrey who took you to the Hospital Wing. McGonagall alerted us of your injuries, and we've been here for three days, waiting for you to wake up." Fred explained, "For a while, Madam Pompfrey didn't know—didn't know if you were going to make it." He looked down.

"Your parents arrived the next day. We've gotten to know them pretty well." George grinned.

Lillian smiled, "How's Lindsay?"

He lowered his voice, "I'd be over there right now if it wasn't for Lucius. You know our deal. She's awake and feeling better though."

"The end of term feast is tonight." Fred said.

"Really? I thought I missed it." Lillian shifted to a more comfortable position.

Fred shook his head, "Nope. Madam Pompfrey said that if you have some support, you could go."

Lillian smiled and arched an eyebrow, "I'm guessing you volunteered to be my support?"

Her parents laughed. So did Molly and George.

Fred looked embarrassed as he nodded.

"Don't worry about it, Freddie. I'm pretty sure everyone knows about this." Lillian wiggled a finger between her and Fred.

Fred turned even more red and face-palmed.

Molly turned to them, "Go get lunch, boys. You've been up here for hours!"

George put an arm around his twin and left the Hospital wing.

Joel leaned forward, "I approve. Fred Weasley is a good kid."

"If you don't marry him, I'd be surprised." Violet joined the approving side.

"And Mr. Weasley?" Lillian asked just for a joke.

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