Chapter 26

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Fred's Perspective:

I hadn't really gotten a chance to talk to Lillian about what happened in our first Defense class. As much as I admired Mad-Eye Moody and all that he had done for the Wizarding community, I didn't appreciate the way he treated Lillian or Lindsay. Of course, I was more naturally protective of Lillian, but Moody had literally murdered a spider on me and Lillian's desk. Even though it's an insect, no one should have to watch a murder. Her reaction was worse. She had no idea, but her face paled several shades and she ended up gripping my hand even harder before she ran out of the room with Lindsay. I could only imagine that Lillian was having more nightmares.

When I walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts on Wednesday for class, I was finally able to see her. She had just turned her sheet of notes in to Professor Moody and was turning around. We made eye contact and her mouth twitched into the tiniest smile. I grinned. Even though there was still a tinge of pain behind her eyes, the smile brightened her face.

Lillian walked toward me and took my hand. After a kiss on the cheek, I rushed to turn my notes in and went to stand next to her. The desks had been stacked at the sides of the room allowing space in the center of the classroom for the very unfortunate task we would be participating in today.

"So," Moody said. He stood stiffly at the front of the room with his hands behind his back, "Today we will work on our ability to resist the Imperius Curse. I will decide who goes first."

Moody glared menacingly around the classroom, making slight eye contact with everyone in the room. I grabbed Lillian's hand.

Moody looked me in the eye as he noticed my hand holding Lillian's. He grinned almost evilly. "Ms. Kintanara, you turned your notes in first. Come forward."

For a moment, Lillian didn't move. Then, she set her book bag down and walked to Professor Moody. The crowd of students in the classroom backed away, probably out of fear rather than wanting to give them enough space. I backed up to the wall. I felt a hand grab mine and turned to see Lindsay and Cedric on one side of me and George on the other.

"Imperio!" Moody pointed his wand at Lillian.

I watched with horror as Lillian's whole demeanor tensed.

"Walk to the door," Moody commanded.

She didn't move. Her feet stayed planted on the floor, but her face turned red with the effort of fighting off such a curse. That was my stubborn girl showing the rest of the class how it was done.

"WALK TO THE DOOR!" Moody shouted at her.

Her foot moved a fraction of an inch, but then stopped and she stayed where she was. She closed her eyes to continue fighting off the curse, her body rigid.

"Here is your example. Ms. Kintanara can fight the Imperius Curse." He dropped his wand, releasing the curse, "Who will be next?"

Lillian fell to the ground as soon as the curse was released.

I ran to help her up, and she leaned on me as we walked to the back of the classroom.

"Weasley!" Moody called.

I knew immediately that he was calling me.

Before I turned Lillian said, "Be stubborn."

I turned and saw Moody staring almost right through me, though with his blue eye he might have been.

"You're next."

I dropped my school bag and went to stand in front of Moody. I stared into his eyes with determination. Whatever he was trying to do, it wouldn't work.

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