Chapter 4

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It was time for final exams. Lillian and Lindsay were spending all their time in the library trying to convince Fred and George to study.  Harry, Ron, and Hermione studied with them.  While Hermione, Lindsay, and Lillian sat staring at their school books, Fred and George came up with more pranks to pull, and Ron and Harry talked about nothing in particular.

They started exams the next day. To their relief, the tests were easier than they thought they would be.  

When exams were over, the students had time to relax on campus before they went home.  

One night, they all went to bed as usual.  However normal the night felt, no one knew that as the slept, Harry, Ron, and Hermione were dueling Professor Quirrell and Lord Voldemort underneath the castle.  

When Lillian, Lindsay, Fred, and George awoke the next morning, they learned that Ron and Harry were in the Hospital Wing with Hermione.  They ran up to check on the boys and give Hermione some company.  

They found Hermione sitting between Ron and Harry's beds. 

"Ron, what happened?" Lindsay ran over to give him a hug.

Ron yawned, "Well, I think Harry should tell you."

Everyone looked at Harry.

He told the group how he, Ron, and Hermione had ventured underneath the grate on the third floor and had to pass a series of tasks to find the Sorcerer's Stone and save it from Voldemort, who was possessing Quirrel.

"You what?" Lillian asked incredulously.

"You got to pass the three-headed dog?" Lindsay asked, excited.

"Ron, are you crazy?" Fred asked.

"You-Know-Who?" George asked.

"The three-headed dog was creepy." Hermione said, "The tasks were easy, well, until Ron had to sacrifice himself, but then Harry won in the fight against Quirrell slash You-Know-Who and saved the Sorcerer's Stone."

"Nice job, Harry." Fred smacked Harry's shoulder.

"Thanks, Fred." He said.

"Ron, I don't know what you were thinking, but I'm glad I don't have to tell mum you're dead." George joked.

"How can a three-headed dog be creepy? It looked beautiful!" Lindsay was still stuck on the dog.

The next evening was the End of Term Feast. Gryffindor won the House Cup, but there was no way they wouldn't with all the bravery Harry, Ron, and Hermione showed. Lindsay and Lillian clapped loudly for their friends. 

Lillian and Lindsay came top of their class, Lillian leading by half a point.  

The next morning they would all head back to London, but they decided to enjoy their final night.

Fred and George, on the other hand, had different plans.

Lillian, I need you to meet me on the Astronomy Tower at midnight. - Fred

Lindsay, I need you to meet me in Gryffindor Tower at midnight. - George

Sounds mysterious. Can't wait! - Lillian

As you wish, George Weasley. - Lindsay

The girls sat in the Hufflepuff common room, waiting till midnight. Both of them were nervous. They had no idea what the twins were up to.

"I wonder what they're planning." Lillian said.

"I suspect we're both going to have boyfriends by the time this night is over." Lindsay noted.

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