Chapter 44

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Lindsay's Perspective:

A few weeks later, it was my turn to cause the events that would get me detention. I was excited, as odd as that sounded. Lillian and I would be taking on the most evil Professor Umbridge in a battle of the teaching skills.

I walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts with my mock lesson plan and Lillian right behind me. She was smirking, and I was stern-looking. Two different moods that would be effective in the classroom.

Just as we had planned, Umbridge was out of the room, so Lillian and I took our places at the front. The class, most of whom we knew, looked up grinning. They knew exactly what was going on.

"Good afternoon, class," I said in my best teacher voice. "As Professor Umbridge is currently absent from the classroom, Ms. Kintanara and I will be taking over. Please take out your wands. Today we are going to discuss two of the basic defense spells. The stunning spell and the shield spell. Can anyone tell me the incantation for the stunning spell?"

I looked around the room, my eyes landing on Anna as she raised her hand.

"Yes, Ms. Cinders?"

"Stupefy," she said.

"Very good," I smiled. "Everyone, say it with me, Stupefy! Right, now aim your wands at your books and begin practicing the spell."

Books went flying across the classroom as everyone stunned them. It was a hilarious scene, completely unorganised, which I was well aware that Umbridge would hate.

At that moment, Professor Umbridge walked in and stared at the scene before her. No one stopped what they were doing even though everyone noticed her. Lillian initiated the third part of the plan. She stunned her book and sent it flying at Umbridge, making the Professor fall over.

Then, there was silence. We wanted to know if she was still conscious.

She was, and she jumped up, staring angrily around the room as the biggest red welt formed on the middle of her forehead. By the time she found Lillian and I, we were politely seated in our spots with our wands away.

Umbridge sat down behind her desk. "Ms. Malfoy, you will serve detention with me at five o'clock this evening. In my office."

I smirked at Lillian, and she returned it.

Even though our plan had worked, we were still going to need some way to learn our defensive spells.

That night after detention, I was sitting in bed reading my Defense book. I stuck my wand in between the bed frame and the mattress, and it emitted enough light for me to read by. I fingered the ring George gave me absentmindedly as I read. I took it off my finger and ran my fingertips over the smooth surface of the inside and outside of the ring. Then I noticed something. It was like the inside of the ring had been encrypted with a word or phrase. I ran my finger over it again to make sure I wasn't going crazy. When I was sure I wasn't, I lifted my wand to examine the inside of the small piece of jewelry. There was one word engraved into the inside of it. "Expelliarmus." The word that signified me and George's first moment together.

I smiled.

Suddenly, I couldn't contain my excitement. I ran to Ravenclaw tower to show Lillian. I knew she wouldn't be asleep yet.

I found her in the common room, and as I told her about the ring, she seemed both excited and sad.

"That's so adorable, Lindsay," she said. But her eyes conveyed hurt, and I knew that she was thinking about how she hadn't gotten one from Fred.

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