Chapter 16

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Lillian had been feeling much more like herself. She hadn't had a nightmare in weeks, and her constant decent moods improved her friendship with Lindsay, Fred, George, and Cedric.

As a result of Lillian's failed attempt to use the Patronus Charm at the Quidditch match, she practiced it everyday whenever she had free time. The twins, Lindsay, and Cedric were often with her while she muttered the charm, and it helped to have Fred so near since her memory was of him. She could put all her fuzzy feelings into the charm when Fred was around, which then allowed her to produce a better Patronus.

Lillian's birthday approached the nineteenth of December, and she woke up not feeling particularly special. In fact, she was fairly tired and couldn't remember what day it was.

She left Ravenclaw Tower as usual, making her way to the Great Hall where she sat down with Lindsay and Cedric at the Ravenclaw Table.

"Good morning!" Lindsay said brightly.

Lillian looked up at her and Cedric, saying to both of them, "Good morning."

"How are you today, Lily?" Lindsay sat down and began to eat. Cedric did the same.

"Tired." Lillian said, filling her own plate and eating.

"Well, it's hardly noticeable." Cedric complemented with a smile.

Lillian's mouth curled into a small grin, "Cedric, I can literally feel the lack of sleep in my eyes. I look horrific."

"You don't look horrific." Fred said as he and George walked over to them and sat down. Fred kissed the top of Lillian's head, "You look quite beautiful, Lily."

Lillian blushed, "Good morning, Freddie."

"How are you today?" George asked.

Lillian scanned her friends' faces, "Why is everyone asking me the same question?"

George turned red and looked down.

Lindsay mumbled something.

Fred put his arm around Lillian, "We're just curious."

Lillian arched an eyebrow at him suspiciously, "Mhm, I sense a bigger plot."

They finished breakfast in silence. Based on the atmosphere of tenseness bubbling over their friend group, Lillian could tell that there was something going on that she didn't know about or remembered. She shook it off knowing that sometimes she just read too deeply into things.

Lillian went to Potions with Lindsay and Cedric after breakfast. They made a Polyjuice Potion and were assigned an essay on it. Transfiguration wasn't hard either. They were learning how to transfigure a stone into a cat, and Lillian and Lindsay had it down to a science. Charms was easy as well, but they had to create a star chart for Astronomy.

"Homework shouldn't take too long tonight." Lillian said as she and Lindsay headed to the Great Hall for dinner once Astronomy had finished.

Lindsay nodded, "Just an essay and a star chart. The chart's going to be so easy."

"When it actually gets dark tonight, we'll be able to complete it in about ten minutes." Lillian agreed.

They girls sat down at the Gryffindor table, waiting for Fred and George.

"I don't think I've ever had such little homework all year." Lindsay grinned, "Should be a nice evening."

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