Chapter 37

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No One's Perspective:

The twins waited until that weekend to propose their date ideas. Lindsay and Lillian happily accepted the break. Though it only lasted about an hour, the girls needed it.

As soon as they finished their date, the girls went back to the Library to work on more assignments. They worked long into the night, and woke up in the same place they fell asleep, still sitting at a table in the Library. Lillian finished her essays and decided to be done with work, while Lindsay continued to exert brain power.

She worked by herself for the rest of the day, then went to an Occlumency lesson later that night.

Lillian went to bed, forgetting to talk to Fred, and had a nightmare. The aftermath of which was evident when she walked into the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning.

A few minutes after she sat down on the table, an owl landed in front of her. Lillian pulled the letter carefully from the owl and read it.

Dearest Daughter,

Your father and I have become very concerned. Our Marks are almost to their darkest point. You-Know-Who will be making his return soon. Stay safe.

I love you,


Lillian felt slightly weak after reading the letter. She met Fred's eyes, and he immediately knew it wasn't good. He took the letter from her hands to read it. Lillian rested her head on his shoulder.

Fred became concerned after reading the letter. He knew it definitely didn't include good things for his girlfriend.

That evening, Lillian and Lindsay worked in the Library. Fred and George sat with them, though they developed jokes instead of doing their homework. Cedric and Anna were in the Hufflepuff common room working and kissing, no matter how much the two things didn't go together.

The girls were working hard on all their assignments, but Lindsay was most anxious about them earning good marks. She was working so hard and putting forth so much effort, that she began to have less and less motivation to continue working.

Lillian went off on a walk with Fred, and Lindsay continued to work.

She began to freak out, afraid all her work wouldn't get completed, and so her emotions got the best of her. Quietly, Lindsay cried. Her mind had had its fill, and she needed a very long break.

George didn't notice Lindsay's struggle as he had fallen asleep. Lindsay cleaned up her school supplies, still crying, and went to her dorm. She fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.

Lillian, on the other hand, laid awake for a long time when she finally got back to her dorm. She was afraid of the nightmares that would haunt her sleep. Her philosophy had become that if the nightmares would take her sleep, she didn't need to set herself up for the bad dreams by sleeping.

Eventually, she drifted off only to find herself in a dream where everyone she loved was being murdered. She woke up breathing fast, and knew that she needed one thing. She walked to the Gryffindor common room, extremely exhausted, and found Fred in his dorm. Without hesitation, or thought to exactly what she was doing, she crawled into bed with him. Fred, also tired, didn't think anything was wrong with it. He pulled the blankets over her and wrapped his arms around her.

Lillian fell asleep again. She thought her sleep would be free of nightmares as she was with one of the people who made her happy. She was wrong. Her nightmares kept waking her, and Fred only got terrible sleep as a result. However, there was nowhere he'd rather have been. He was glad that Lillian had finally come to him for help.

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