Chapter 56

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*Trigger Warning*

*Themes of suicide* 

Fred's Perspective:

The next time I woke up, it was mid-afternoon, and I was surprised I had slept so long without interruption.

Lillian was still facing me, just like how we'd fallen asleep. Only she was awake, staring softly at my face.

"It looks like you needed sleep more than I did," she mumbled, kissing me.

I grinned and kissed her too, pulling her just a little bit closer.

And then she laughed. Actually, genuinely laughed.

She pulled away to look at me, smiling.

"I love you so much," she said.

I grinned. "I love you too."

I kissed her forehead, and then she sighed heavily. "I think I need to get out of this bed today."

I looked into her eyes. "You think that's a good idea?"

She nodded. "I need to stand. And besides, you'll be right next to me."

I nodded. "Yes, I will be. Would you like to eat first?" I asked.

"Sure," she smiled and kissed me again.

I helped her sit up, and then went to the kitchen to find that mum had made us meals. She handed them to me with a smile.

"I'm proud of you, Fred," she said with her hand on my arm. "You're doing a good job taking care of her."

I smiled, tears in my eyes. "Thanks, mum."

I took our food into the living room and sat with Lillian while we ate.

She didn't speak much, something she must have picked up during her days of torture. I adjusted my expectations. I didn't want to pressure her into anything she wasn't comfortable with.

When we finished eating, Lillian looked at me expectantly. I moved our plates out of the way and then turned toward her.

"You look very eager to get up," I said.

She nodded, grinning.

"Then I think we should get working on it," I smiled.

I sat down next to her and helped her swing her legs over the side of the bed. She breathed heavily as she sat there.

I could tell she was trying to refrain from leaning into me, but I figured that she'd eventually need to.

I stood up in front of her, ready to help her.

I put my hands under her arms lightly so that I could be the safety if she started to fall.

"I'm ready when you are," I said.

Lillian pushed off the bed and stood up tall, but it didn't last very long. She leaned into me, trying hard to stay on her feet. I had no idea she was so weak.

"One foot in front of the other," I said softly. "Slowly."

She moved one foot and took the tiniest step forward.

And she kept going until we had made a small circle around the room. She sat in bed again looking exhausted.

"That felt good," she smiled.

I laughed a little. "You are definitely determined."

Lillian's Perspective:

It felt odd to be so vulnerable and weak. I hated how much I needed to rely on another person, but I knew Fred was there for me. I didn't need to hide anything from him.

I was sitting on the side of my bed looking into his eyes.

I decided to kiss him. He had made me feel so alive. After my experience with near death, I couldn't help but be engulfed in the light Fred had to offer. I needed him more than I ever thought I would.

"I think we can head back to the apartament tomorrow," I said. "I'd like to be back at home to rest some more."

"Are you sure?" Fred asked. "It's kind of refreshing being away."

I smiled and nodded. "It is."


I shrugged. "It doesn't feel like home to me."

He nodded. "Then how about a compromise."

"What did you have in mind?" I asked with a smirk.

"Let's spend two more days here, and then we can head home," he whispered.

"Just for you, Fred."

I kissed him.

And it felt weird. I realised that I had never kissed him so much.

"A walk?" I asked. "I want to try to get out of the house instead of just making a weak circle around the room."

Fred stood and put his hand out. "Ready when you are, m'lady."

It took a lot of my energy and focus to stand up again, and when I was, I leaned heavily on Fred. For the oddest reasons I was extremely weak.

"I hate this," I mumbled.

"Be patient," he whispered. "You went through a bit too much, probably more than you could handle. Don't be too hard on yourself."

I heaved a breath, and we began to slowly walk out of the house.

Mrs. Weasley saw us on the way out, but I didn't even have the strength to smile. All my energy was in making sure I could walk decently.

"You're doing great," Fred muttered in my ear.

We got to the garden, and I stood in the fresh air and greenery. I took a deep breath and smiled.

Fred chuckled. "You really did need to get out of the house."

We sat down on one of the benches they had in the garden.

I enjoyed the fresh air, air which I hadn't breathed for days. It felt so good.

Draco's Perspective:

It was night. I made my way up the stairs to the Astronomy Tower and leaned against the cold railing. The snow that was gently falling, bit into my skin, but I was numb to it. I didn't care.

I thought of how easy it would be to jump and end it all. Then, I wouldn't have to be the one to finish the task. I wouldn't have to be the person in the middle of my father and the Dark Lord. I wouldn't have to be the person standing by and doing nothing but acting under manipulation. I'd be free from the pain.

When I had watched Lillian being tortured, it hurt me. What had been worse was when Lindsay would later cry about all the pain Lillian was in. I would try to comfort her, but I never could.

I was forced to watch my sister be tortured.

And then I made my choice.

No, I wouldn't jump.

Lillian let herself be captured knowing she could be killed, knowing that she probably would be killed. She did what she could for the battle we were fighting.

I had to be strong. I had to do it too. If Lillian could, I could.

I held onto her promise. She would come through, and we would fight it together. And if she didn't, she was still there for me to talk to. She was the reason that I chose not to jump.

Life is a gift, Draco. All the challenges, they shape us into who we are. Don't let this deed define you. Keep your head up, and don't lose hope. You're going to make it. I'm always going to be here for you, even if that night doesn't turn out the way we want it too. I'll be here.

I smiled sadly. Lillian's letter saved my life.  

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