Chapter 43

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Lillian's Perspective:

"I know what we need to do," I said as we walked out of McGonagall's office.

"And what is that, m'lady?" Fred asked.

I internally groaned. I could see what he was trying to do, but I really didn't want to accept his apologies or his attempts to make up. I was still confused.

"First, we're all, except Lindsay, missing Quidditch practice. We could disrespect her detention and go after practice, which would really piss her off," I grinned mischievously. "And we could even set up some sort of schedule where we plan to annoy her."

"Thinking like a Weasley, are you?" George asked, smiling proudly.

"I think that's fantastic," Lindsay agreed.

"Best thing you've said in a while," Anna smiled too. "She clearly deserves to be annoyed after all that crap she said about the Dark Lord and Cedric, though I don't think he'd be particularly proud."

Fred shrugged. "That hardly matters because she's a git anyway. And, frankly, I don't care who she's reporting to. She's horrific."

"So then," I said. "'How to Annoy Umbridge' planning meeting after school today? Before Quidditch, of course."

Everyone nodded, and I was proud of myself for coming up with the most evil plan ever.

That evening, we gathered around a table in the library and schemed. We planned to use jokes from Fred and George, ask absurd questions in class, and Anna had the fantastic idea that Fred and I should make out in front of the class one day because we were good at having it appear very passionate and making others extremely uncomfortable. Not to mention Umbridge's reaction would be hilarious. I agreed only because it would be funny, and Fred agreed as well, though probably only because he missed kissing me.

We decided that the plans would take place the next week, since we already chose to be late to her detention.

At five p.m. the following night, I walked out onto the Quidditch pitch and led the Ravenclaw team through a series of exercises and warmups. As Captain, it was now my responsibility to do such things. It made me happy to be in the element again, and the apparent detention looming over my mood didn't bother me until Quidditch was done and Lindsay, Anna, Fred, George, and I walked into Umbridge's office at eight p.m.

"You're late. By three hours," Umbridge said.

"Oh, I'm sorry, but we already had prior commitments to your detention, and those commitments were here long before you ever became a Professor," I said.

"So unfortunately, we will be late to detention every day this week because our commitments are very important to us," Fred said, backing me.

"Oh no," she said. "Oh no, no, no. This is your punishment for spreading nasty stories, and punishments cannot be adjusted to suit the guilty one's convenience."

"You know what, Professor?" Anna asked, staring daggers at Umbridge. "We don't really care about your detention, and you know there's nothing you can do to make us come. I guess you're just going to have to take our word that we'll be here after Quidditch."

Umbridge looked exceptionally angry, but there was absolutely no way she was going to get away with it. Lindsay, Anna, and I were masterminds in manipulation.

"Take a seat at a desk in the classroom. There should be a piece of parchment and a quill pen ready for you to begin writing your lines. Your lines are written on the board next to your name. Go on, get started," she said.

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