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" Jimin..." Yoongi shouts from the living room.
Jimin sat up straight once he hears his name being called , the loud footsteps stop right in front of his door.

The older opens the door frantically , his phone clutched in his hand.
" Hyung , what's wrong ?" He places his notebook aside leaning forward to see what got the older hyperventilating at such a fine hour.

" Look what your mom sent me." He flashes his gummy smile to Jimin before turning over the phone screen.

It's a baby picture of Jimin , the little rubber duckie is clenched in between his tiny fists and he have the biggest smile on his face. His eyes disappearing into cresent moon just like now. The little t-shirt hangs so loosely on Jimin's tiny body making him seem even more babier than he is.

" You look like a tiny precious child." Yoongi can't help but coo over how cute baby Jimin looks. He then looks at Jimin , and says ''Well, you're still a tiny precious child".

Jimin grabs the phone from Yoongi's hand , trying hard to frown but seeing his baby pic is doing wonders to him , now that he was carrying a baby inside of him. He smiles running his finger over the screen. Will his child look like a mini version of him ?

Yoongi stares at him fondly , nothing really changed about him. Jimin is still the sweet little child as the day they first met.

Baby Yoongi , no wait don't call him that he's a big boy now. 7 years old big Yoongi was playing all by himself in the park. His eyes focused on the little ants that fascinated his young mind.

He watches them carefully , his mouth turning into a big o shape. The sudden thud sound made him jump up in shock.
He looks around his surroundings to find the source of the sound , only to see a little boy weeping loudly.

He's a little hesitant to approach the unknown boy first , but his mama always told him to help others and being the good boy he is , he immediately went to his side.

The little boy is crouched on the ground , his hands clenched into tiny fist as he rubbed his tears away. Yoongi tried to say something but the boy won't stop crying. So he did what his mama always do to him whenever he is feeling sad.

He hugs the little boy , his hands patting his head and back. Soon after the sniffles calm down and Yoongi finally released him from his hold. The boy stared at him with his big glossy eyes , his lips still quivering.

" Don't cry. Big boys don't cry." He places his hand on his shoulder giving him his gummy smile.
Jimin stop shaking on seeing the other smile. He sucks up his tears and force a smile through because Jimin is a big boy.

" Good." Yoongi pats his head like a puppy, Jimin's happy giggles indicates that he liked the gesture.
" What's your name ?" He helps the boy stand up , rubbing off the dust from his clothes.
" Jimin." He answers in his cute voice.

" I'm Yoongi." Yoongi extends his hand in front of Jimin. Jimin stare at it for a second before finally shaking it.
" How old are you Jimin ?"
" Five." He says confidently while showing him four fingers.

" That's four fingers." Yoongi corrects him. Jimin instantly opens up his fifth finger , cheeks heating up in embarrassment. It's then when Yoongi notices the bruise on his knees and that he's bleeding.

" You are hurt." He says pointing down at his wound. Jimin looks down at his knees , the sudden pain rushing through him once he notices his scrapped knees. His lower lip wobbles , ready to let out another cry.

" No no don't cry." Yoongi panics on seeing the tears forming in his eyes. He tries to relax him but the younger is already on the verge of crying.
" Don't cry. I'll put a kitty bandaid on it and it'll be okay." The 'kitty' bandaid trick seemed to work on him because soon he stopped crying.

" You like kitty ?" Jimin nods to that , his mood already lifting up at the mention of it.
" Come. Let's go to my home." Yoongi holds out his hand for him , Jimin don't think twice before holding it and walking away with Yoongi.

They look like the cutest babies with their chubby cheeks and tiny hands ( Jimin just have extra tiny hands). They swings their arms happily , hands messily holding onto each other and footsteps matching.

Yoongi signs Jimin to stay silent once he reached his house. His house is close to the park where he was playing earlier so it didn't take them much time to get here.

He tries to sneak him in silently but his footsteps drops once he sees his mom standing in front of the doorway.
" Mama.." He whispers. Jimin tries his best to hide behind Yoongi , peeking at the women from behind him.

" Yoongi where were you and who's this little guy ?" Her voice softens once she notices the cute child behind him. She crouch down to their level flashing a warm smile to Jimin.

" He's my friend Jimin. He hurt himself." He tries to push Jimin in front of his mother , showing his wounded knees.
" Oh poor boy , you're hurt ?" Jimin nods at that , his pouty lips turning to a sad frown.

" Come on I'll patch you up." She holds out her hand for him , Jimin stares at Yoongi for a second before taking her hand. Yoongi follows them into the living room helping Jimin to climb up into the sofa.

" I'll apply this and then you'll fine." She shows Jimin the ointment.
" Mama wait." Yoongi stops her.
" What's wrong baby ?"
" He wants the kitty ones." Yoongi points at the kitty bandaids that his mother bought specially for him.

" You want the kitty ones ?" She looks over at Jimin. He's too shy to say anything so he just nods his head in response
" Sure, sweetheart." She rubs her hand over Jimin's hair , not being able to resist the need to pat him.

" Here done." She close down the first aid box.
" Thank ywu." Jimin jumps down from the sofa bowing down to show respect to her.

" Aigo you're such an adorable kid." She scoops him closer into her arms.
" Did you tell you mom you were coming here ?" He shook his head as no , his face falling on the mention of his mother.

" Oh baby don't worry. We'll drop you off at your house." Jimin looks at her with hope filled eyes.
" You know your address, right ?" He nods Jiminie is a big boy , of course he knows his address.
" Let me lock the house then. You both wait outside." She ruffles their hairs once again before disappearing somewhere into the house.

Yoongi steps closer to Jimin , grabbing his tiny hands.
" Don't worry. Mama will find your house." He smiles at the younger and Jimin is unable to stop himself from returning back the smile.

They smiled , not knowing how their fates were entwined with each other. How a simple thing would lead to a big change in their futures.

Some things really happen because of god's will. And Yoongi would go so far as to say , that meeting Jimin was one of them.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin