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" This feels so surreal , hyung."
Yoongi lifts up his face to look at Jimin , his luxuriant silky hairs dancing along to the warm wind of mid afternoon. The sun rays making his skin glow more than ever. Happiness radiating from his glistening eyes.

" I still can't believe I'm carrying a life inside me." The happy tears reflects the sun rays. He quickly suck them up not wanting to cry on a happy day. His arms swinging happily along his body moment.

" Yeah , it doesn't feel real." Yoongi's mind drift back to inside of the hospital , the room slowly filling up with a strange noise which the doctor described as their baby's heartbeat. And Yoongi may or may not have teared a little bit , but thankfully Jimin didn't noticed , his eyes too focused on the monitor screen to catch a sight of him.

" Hey baby I heard you heartbeat for the first time today. I'm not gonna forget this day ever." Jimin strolls happily on the way back to the car , his eyes seeming to be glued on the little piece of paper where his baby's ultrasound was.

" I can already tell that my baby will be so cute." Jimin shoves the photo onto Yoongi's face , who chuckles before snatching it from Jimin.

" It's just look like a black circle to me." He teases him. Jimin quickly frowns at that , thanks to the mood swings. He snatches the paper back from his hand. With a fuming head he walks towards the car , his lips sealed with anger.

" Jiminie is mad ?" Yoongi uses his particular soft voice to say this. Jimin tries to ignore it not falling for Yoongi's old tactics.

" I was thinking about going to a tteokbokki restaurant but nevermind." And that was Yoongi's ace move , the corner of his lips pushing upwards in a self satisfied smirk as he watches Jimin's expression change at the mention of his favourite dish.

" I want tteokbokki." Jimin mumbles , his words a mere whisper.
" Huh ?" Even though Yoongi heard him just loud and clear he wanted to hear it again.

" I said I want tteokbokki." This times he said it loud enough , the smug looks never leaves Yoongi's face.

" Anything for my baby." He ruffles Jimin hairs who just looked at him like a dead meat. Nothing can stop him from teasing his Jiminie.

" Ready for the Question and answers ?" They both are seated in Jimin's bedroom , Yoongi with his laptop and glasses and Jimin surrounded by his books.

" Aye aye sir." Jimin replies already sitting up in a good position and ready with his monthly experience.

" Okay , so what's different from the last month. Any specific changes ?"

" Morning sickness." Jimin says with a gloomy expression , he surely hate morning sickness from the bottom of his heart.

" It feels so bad to wake up during random hours of night just to empty my stomach contents. And the after effect headache just wants me to sleep in my bed whole day." He scrunches his nose in a cute manner and Yoongi tries his best not to get sway by the younger's cuteness.

" But.." Suddenly the melancholic mood is substituted by a radiant one.
" I heard my baby's heartbeat for the first time. That was the best moment of my life so far. The whole thing about being pregnant felt like a dream to me but when I heard that , it finally hit me that I'm carrying a life inside me. A baby , my baby. Wow." Jimin himself laughs at his words , even though he have these kind of thoughts everyday , saying them out loud is a whole different thing.

Yoongi didn't heckle in his thoughts , instead he kept his ears attentive to Jimin's words , striping them down as such. He wanted the article to be an exact copy of the Jimin's experience. Maybe he'll add a bit of his observation at the end too , who knows.

" And I've developed a weird habit." He laughs before completing the sentence , thinking how dumb he must've looked if someone has seen him doing so.
Yoongi perks his ear up , waiting for the continuation.

" I would keep my hand on my stomach sometimes and try to feel the baby. I know that I can't feel any movement right now. But it just makes me feel so happy and I can't even describe the feeling in words. I'm so attached to the baby already haha."

Jimin didn't notice how his hand has been resting on his belly this whole time but Yoongi sure did. Whenever he sees Jimin's hand resting on top of his stomach there's this feeling inside him that tells him to engulf Jimin's small frame and place his hand on top of Jimin's.

Maybe it's because his alpha senses can sense that it's his baby and something about that makes him want to protect Jimin and his child.

He remembers how Jimin came back from school last week with a faint woody smell lingering on him. He tried to brush the thought off but he can't help but think about that alpha's scent. His alpha wolf screaming at him to go and scent Jimin with his own oceanic scent to his heart content but he's in no position to do that.

" You're doing that again." Jimin crosses his arms against his chest , his eyebrows lifting up suspiciously.
" Huh ?" Yoongi asks visibly dazed by the sudden statement.
" You keep spacing out like that in between our conversations." Jimin lays own on his side , his oversized sweater falling off his shoulder exposing his bare neck and splintered collarbone. Yoongi's alpha wolf growls at the sight wanting to claim the omega then and there.

" Oh that. I was just thinking about an article. That being said I should note it down before it escapes my mind." Yoongi hastily leaves the room , shutting the door behind him , leaving a bowled over Jimin behind. His back pressed along the wooden door as he breathes heavily.

He closes his eyes shaking his head in the process to clear that image out of his head.
He's afraid what he can do if he no longer can control his inner self.

He tries to finish the article before falling asleep but with each word that he types Jimin's ivory skin shows up in front of his eyes free of charge.

With a last straw expression he close his laptop shut. Falling back on the couch , trying to sleep in the hope of peace. But oh boy he was so wrong for that , just as he closed his eyelids the familiar scene flashes before his eyes. Jimin's tempting look testing his self control.

" Please..." He cries out desperately , his legs kicking the air as he tries to block Jimin's image from coming to his head but this is Jimin we're talking about , no one can resist the charm of Park Jimin , not even the god himself.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now