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" Here's your Crème brûlée sir." The said dessert was soon served in front of Jimin. The waiter only nodded before disappearing somewhere in the kitchen.

The sweet divinely smell made Jimin's stomach grumple. It was irresistible to not dribble at the sight. Jimin dips down the spoon in the desert , his mouth watering as he took out a scoop.

Jimin closed his eyes feeling the essence. The piece lands on his tongue , his body feeling euphoric at the sweet and spongy taste. But it didn't lasted long , soon the delightful taste turned into an unsavoury one. His face twisted in disgust.

Jimin opened his eyes as the nausea clawed at his throat. With a hand over his mouth he ran towards the attached bathroom. Chunks of yesterday's dinner spewed out of his coughing, choking mouth. His stomach kept on contracting violently and forcing everything up and out.

His face white and bile dripping down his chin with a mix of sweat, and tears. He sunk to his knees as the pungent stench invaded his nostrils.

" I'm here." The soothy voice said from behind him , warmth spreading all over his pale body as his hand surrounds him.

Yoongi's stomach lurched at the following sight. He felt nauseous just seeing bile dripping from his chin, but he somehow managed to control himself , kneeling
down and wiping it away with the stiff toilet paper.

Jimin heaved even though there was nothing left to go. He leaned his head into Yoongi's chest as his knees finally gave up. Yoongi offered him a cup of water that he had brought with himself earlier , which he gladly took, but even that forced its way up. The toilet bowl was full of a brown mushy soup that smelled sour and hot, and Yoongi’s face paled at the strong odor.

" Sorry." Jimin immediately apologized after sensing the sudden change in Yoongi expression. He was feeling regretful for making him go through all of this even if he didn't wanted to.

Yoongi shook his head , helping the younger to stand up and bring him to the sink. He quietly shut the toilet down , scrunching his nose at the disgusting smell. A yawn escapes his mouth as he continued to look at Jimin with a sympathetic look in his eyes.

4 am is sure very inappropriate time to wake up after pulling an all nighter. He watches his reflection in the mirror , big dark brown eyes starring back at him with heavy dark circles beneath them indicating lack of sleep. He looks over at Jimin's reflection , he wasn't in a much better state , afterall he was the one that had it worst.

He looked more thinner than the first time he met him , his eyes puffed up and cheeks sunked down exposing the cheek bones. If only he could somehow help him.

" You should probably go back to sleep." His right hand didn't left younger's back as he guided him back to the bed. Jimin snuggled inside the covers , a soft smile spreading as the warmth encover him ones again.

" Try to sleep , okay ?" Yoongi tucks the blanket securely around him , walking back to the couch to have some shut eye for himself too.

The twist and turns continued for several minutes before he finally decided that he won't be able to fall asleep after waking up. He turned his phone on hoping a lot of time would have passed already but to his disappointed it was only 5 in the morning.

He debated on what to do for the next few hours , he can't cook breakfast as the noises would disturb Jimin's sleep same with watching any program. He plugs in the earphones finding the perfect playlist to relax too.

His tense muscles started losing up once the soft song started playing in the background. Each melody serving as a relaxing therapy to him. The song didn't have any lyrics , just a piano playing along with soft sound of rain and rustling of wind.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now