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" Hyung." Even though his voice was rough and harsh Yoongi would like to fight that it still sounded like honey to his ears.

" Jimin." A simple whisper in his deep voice was enough to make Jimin squirm under his hold.

" Your phone." Yoongi looks at him questionably before he finally hears the ringing of his phone. He took one last look at Jimin before finally deciding to wake up. His body bleating at the loss of warmth.

He picks up his phone , cursing under his breath.
" Ah hyung you finally picked up. I was about to go there and check up on you myself." Jungkook didn't even let him speak , blurting out his thoughts in one go.
" I'm fine kiddo. Don't worry about me." He tries to reason out but he wasn't going to get out of this before hearing an earful from Jungkook.

" How are you feeling ?" He came back into the room after finishing the call with Jungkook.
Jimin sat back on the bed , a small smile plastered on his face probably after feeling better.
" Good." Yoongi walks upto him , checking upon the younger himself.

" Should we go to hospital ?" Even though Jimin told him he called for an doctor yesterday the fact still felt disbelieving to Yoongi.
" I told you , I already called a doctor yesterday."

" That's suspicious. You hate visiting the doctor let alone call one at home." Jimin has been like that since the old days. He would prefer to take medicine and stay in bed all day instead of seeing a doctor.

Jimin laughs , afterall this was true. He never really felt like the need to see a doctor for minor sickness like a fever until yesterday.
" Yeah I was going to sleep after taking a medicine yesterday but before I could reach out for them I fainted." Yoongi's face turned horrified at that.
" When I fainted I had a dream about losing my baby and after that I woke up in cold sweats. So , I called for a doctor." Now , Yoongi understands why he was craving for physical touch yesterday.

" Jiminie , you should have called me." Yoongi looked at him with guilty eyes even though he was in no place to feel guilty about it and that made him feel sad.
" I didn't wanted to disturb you on your free time." He mumbles looking down at his lap.

" Jimin ah." He looks up at the stern voice directed towards him. Yoongi was using his alpha voice at him for the first time and that made him feel nervous.
" If anything like this happens again , just call me. No matter where I'm or what I'm doing. You will call me. Okay ?" Jimin nodded.

" Okay now rest and I'll make some rice porridge for you." Jimin smiles , his body really need some energy.

Yoongi tucks him once again before disappearing to make the porridge. He spoon fed Jimin once it was cooked. Jimin ate it happily like a child , not even complaining once.

He finally decided to call jungkook after Jimin fell asleep after taking his medication.
" I feel bad hyung , I shouldn't have forced you to come here."

" It's not your fault gguk , don't beat yourself up." He tries to make the younger feel better.

" I should go now. Enjoy yourself , we'll meet tomorrow." With that he hung up the call hurrying back to Jimin's side.


" I thought you wanted to know the gender ?" Yoongi asks looking towards a giggly Jimin sitting on the passenger seat.

They went for Jimin's monthly appointment today , it was also supposed to be the day where they would know about baby's gender. But Jimin declined it in the last moment.

" I want it to be a surprise." He says with a big smile on his face. His lips moving impulsively to the song playing in the background. The blue sky was perfect to go for a drive.

" Yoongi hyung." He looks over at his face , his jaw clenched in a serious manner , his eyes focused on the road as he drove carefully of the ups and downs.

He hums in response letting Jimin know that he has his full attention.
" Thank you." Even though he had said the same words to the older alot of time this one was the most sincere and special one of them.

" For what ?" He spares a looks at Jimin's face.
" Everything." Yoongi raises his brow at the answer again not knowing what had suddenly got into him. He just gave a head shake in reply maybe he'll spare the explanation for someday else.


" So Jimin ssi ready for your interview."
" As ready as I can be , Yoongi ssi." They both snickers at the honorifics.

" How are you feeling during your fourth month ?"
Jimin relaxes , his back backed up against the wall.
" I actually feel better than the last month. The morning sickness seems to fade away and I can actually enjoy my favourite food without the fear of vomiting it all out."

" That's great." Yoongi feel relieved seeing the younger get accustomed to pregnancy.

" Any newly added symptoms you noticed?"
He stares at the ceiling , recalling his memory from the past few days.
" Backaches. I don't know if they're because of the pregnancy or because of me sitting in the chair for too long. I should try to get into a routinely exercise."

" That's what I've been telling you from the start." Yoongi mutters under his breath but Jimin was quick to catch his words.
" You can nag me later , let's finish your article first." He tries to sound intimidating.

Yoongi surrender his hands in air not wanting to fight with a fiesty omega.
" Okay okay. Let's continue."

" I think I've started showing around much during this month. My little avocado is growing up." He places his hands on his belly , repeating the name in a cute way.

" Avocado ?" Yoongi whispers to himself thinking that the name is a bit weird !? but he keeps that to himself not wanting to hear an earful from the omega.

" Hyung , do you know baby can hear you during this stage. You want to talk to it ?" Yoongi panics at the sudden offer. What if the baby doesn't like him or his voice ?

" I think I'll pass." He tries to quietly slide away from the room but Jimin was quick to catch him.

" Hyung come on. Here." He rolls up his sweatshirt to show his little bump. Yoongi exe stopped working once he exposes his milky white skin. If that was not enough for Yoongi to malfunction , Jimin places his hand upon the bump. Giggling when the little touch made him ticklish.

" You gonna say something ?" Yoongi clears his throat , feeling nervous as to what he should say.

" Hi baby." Jimin laughs at Yoongi's awkward tone, it wasn't the one that Yoongi always use. He tried to make his voice shrill and high pitched. Yoongi feels offended but nonetheless he continued.
" I'm Yoongi , nice to meet you." Jimin fails to contain his laugh again , bringing a hand to his mouth when he feels Yoongi's staring at him. He seals his lips in a straight line signalling Yoongi to continue.

" Hope you're doing great there. You should become a great human once you're grown up. Treat everyone with love and kindness just like your papa." Their eyes met at that moment and Jimin smiles , a thing he had been doing frequently since Yoongi came into his life.

" Be good to your papa , you're a sweet baby." He pats Jimin's bump lightly as if he was patting the baby on his shoulder.

" You're so awkward." Jimin laughs once Yoongi sit back on the original spot away from Jimin.
" I know." Yoongi accepts the fact easily , there's no denying that he's awkward around children. He should really learn about it, not to embarrass himself anymore in front of Jimin. His eyes are fixed on the bump and heart is full of warmth.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Where stories live. Discover now