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The next morning Jimin woke up with his head feeling like if someone had shaken it until it was thoroughly bruised. Shooting pains stabbed chaotically through his muscles. He licked at his parched and cracked lips feeling the thickness of his saliva. He suddenly felt cold and pulled the blankets in closer about his neck.

By now he knew that he was running down a high fever. He tried to sat up straight through all the coughing and sneezing , back up against the cold wooden bed , body aching , cheeks burning with flush of fever.

He tried to stand on his feet but the attempt only left him with swirling surroundings. He inhaled a deep breath walking towards the kitchen with small steps , he held onto the wall for support. His usually pale skin now scorching red.

His breath quivered in short , quick gasps every time he inhaled , his lungs having no choice but to painfully and rigidly take in the chilled air around him. He poured the water with his quivering hands , drinking it in one go to quench his dry throat. He tried to make words but only painful moans came out of his mouth.

He limps towards the night stand to get a hold of his phone , rubbing away at his arms in a sickly attempt to cease the unsettling chill that continued to run down his spine and made his skin crawl. He was quick to open it and dials the familiar digits but stops at the new message.

" Jimin hyung , thank you for convincing Yoongi hyung to come here. You're the best <3  - Jungkook "

*Photo attached*

Jimin stared at the photograph with half lidded eyes , Yoongi's cute nose scrunch made him smile even when his body is set up on fire. He stopped himself from breaking off Yoongi's vacation. He can't be selfish enough to call Yoongi back just because of a mere fever.

He turns his phone off , stumbling towards the living room in search of some medicine to ease his pain. With each step his stomach tightened and ached all the more. He kept swallowing the dry saliva , shivering violently. Waves of heat coursing through his blood , a cold sweat glistening on his forehead.

His step became heavier , his eyesight blurring. Everything became fuzzy around him , before he could grab something to support he saw nothing. His consciousness floating through an empty space. Throughout the inky space his heartbeat pounded loudly , echoing in his ears. But at that moment his mind was busy worrying about his unborn child , his hand settling down on his bump as the fear of losing his child engulfed him.
Feeling his body draining away it finally went all black.

" I thought you said you don't know how to play this game." Yoongi whines on losing once again , letting the cards fall out of his hands. He layed down more comfortably now , his back now being supported by the wall behind him.

Jungkook just reply with a playful smirk , already shuffling the cards for the next round.
Yoongi's eyes travels from the card to outside the window. It was still raining , the puffs of grey cloud swooping the air. He turns towards his phone again hoping for atleast a message from Jimin's side but there was none. It's already 5 in the evening and Jimin hadn't called neither texted him since morning.

Maybe he's just busy ? He shouldn't bother about it but something in his gut feeling was trying to alarm him.
" What're you thinking about so hard ?" Jungkook pushes his cards towards him.

He presses his lips in a straight line before answering.
" Jimin." His name flow out automatically from his lips.
" He hasn't texted me or called me since morning." Worry was written all over his face and it didn't go unnoticed by Jungkook.
" Maybe he's busy ?" He tried to assure him.

" Hmm maybe." For now he decided to let the false hopes get him.
" Why don't you call him if you're that worried about him ?"
" Should I ? What if I'm just annoying him."

" As if you've not done the same for about 4 months now." Jungkook chuckles. Yoongi finally decided to call him and settle his racing heart. The ringing sounds make him feel more anxious , his ears yearning to hear Jimin's honeyed voice.

He dialed the number again and again but no one received it on the other end. It only added fuel to his anxious self.
" He's not picking up ?" Jungkook voices out his thoughts.
Yoongi's replies with a head shake before calling again. He tried 5 more times again but always met with the same result.

" Yoongi hyung , Jiha noona is calling you in the kitchen." Dae jung enters their room , munching on his snacks.

Yoongi decide to keep his worry and thought aside for a moment. Maybe he's sleeping , he sure Jimin will call him back once he sees all the missed calls.

" Tell her I'm coming." Dae jung nods walking back to the kitchen.
" Don't worry he'll be fine."
" Yeah. I should help in the kitchen." He place the phone back in the pocket.

The night grew into a cold one , it was a kind of coldness that reaches into your bones. Yoongi stared at the cold moonless night. The sky was dark and low , the air so chilled it hurt to breathe. The cold winds reminded him of Jimin. He sighs before dialling up his number again but no one answered it.

He picked up his car keys with a determined mind.
" Hyung where are you going at this hour ?" Jungkook stops him before he could step outside.

" Jimin is not picking up his phone. I think something's not right. I've to go." He passes by him but Jungkook grabs his wrist.
Yoongi looks at him with pleading eyes begging him to let go.

Jungkook only smiles faintly , stripping his scarf down and draping it over Yoongi.
" Drive safely hyung." He whispers adjusting the scarf to keep him warm in this cold.

Yoongi nods and pats his shoulder before finally stepping out. He didn't even cared about the gushing winds that strike along his car. The trees dancing along to the winds appearing ghostly in the dark night. The thunder seemed to crack the air followed by lightning , a brilliant shock of white in the graphite sky. But all these made him want to reach out to Jimin faster than ever. His arms yearning for his warmth in this cold.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon