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Sleep , that's the one thing that Jimin wishes greatly for these days. No book or tv show could have prepared him for the lack of sleep he'll experience once his little miracle is born.

Getting the taste of parenthood is addicting. The idea of having a little baby that resembles you sound so soothing but at the same time the idea of the tiresome nights spent wide awake ... it's just so scary.

" Haru ah , what's wrong baby ?" Jimin continues to cradle him more vigorously.
The baby has been crying for past few minutes and even though Jimin tried his best to find a way he just wouldn't stop crying.

" Shh baby." He's so frustrated right now not at the baby but at himself. He feels so useless for not being able to understand his baby's need.

Haru's cries grows louder by each second and now Jimin is starting to panic. What if something is wrong with him ? What if he's hurt somewhere and is trying to tell him but he can't just understand him ?

" Jimin , what's wrong ?" Yoongi enters the room after a much debate with himself. Even though Jimin said he could handle Haru without his help , the loud cries only made his heart squeeze. He wasn't able to stop himself from coming into the room.

" Hyung.." Jimin was inches away from crying himself. He was starting to blame himself for not being a good parent.

Yoongi walks towards him , asking Jimin's permission to hold Haru. On receiving Jimin's approval he takes him from his arms.

The baby doesn't stop crying , but the cries surely toned down a little.
" Haru ah , aren't you a good boy ?" He gently rubs his tummy with his free hand.
" Then why are you giving your papa a hard time. Hmm. Don't cry my little flower." He nuzzles his face into his chest , making the baby stop crying.

Jimin watches the scene with heart eyes. The way Yoongi holds there baby so tenderly , the way he speaks to him with so much softness , the way he plays with him... He can't help but fall for him even more.

" See, he's fine now." Yoongi says , as he take a seat on the bed. Playing with babies is sure a tiring thing , he don't know how Jimin manage to do this with such a beautiful smile on his face.

" Guess he was just craving attention from his Daddy Yoon." Yoongi feels his face heat upon that. Did Jimin just called him daddy ? He feels himself choking on his saliva.

" You okay ?" Jimin rubs his back while he continues to cough.
He tries to keep the erotic thoughts away from swimming in his mind. He can't believe he's thinking about it right now.

" Why are you so red , hyung ?" Jimin places his hand on Yoongi's red cheeks that seems to heat up more on his touch.
" Ahh it's fine." Yoongi holds Jimin's wrist trying to divert his hand away from his face.

Jimin doesn't push the question more , he retreat his hand back. On the other side Yoongi's whole body is on fire , and his mind is full of lewd fantasies. He need some fresh air to get out of these thoughts.

" Um I need to go outside." He stands up abruptly , giving Haru back to Jimin he dashes out of the room.

Jimin blinks in confusion.
" Hyung is so weird today. You agree with me, right ?" He asks the little Haru who just stare at him in confusion , clearly not being able to understand what his papa just said.

" Okay , it's your sleep time. Now, go to sleep papa needs to take care of dinner." He puts one of the CDs that Yoongi brought for him. The soft hymn plays in background , gradually he starts to hum with it. It immediately lulls Haru off to dreamland. Jimin continues to sway him in his arms till he's sure that the baby is fast asleep.

Laying him down on the cradle , he feels himself getting drowsy too. All the sleepless nights come to attack him in one go. And even though he wants to let the sleep get the best of him , he knows this is not the right time.

He walks into the kitchen after covering Haru with a quilt. He looks for ingredients in the fridge , anything that'll go well for today's dinner.

After spending whole 2 hours walking around the area Yoongi finally returns back home. He wasn't able to get rid of the particular idea but he surely pushed it into the farthest corner of his brain.

Taking off the dirty shoes smudged in mud and dirt , he walks to the living with bare feet. He pause his steps when his eyes fall on Jimin dozed off on the couch in a very uncomfortable position.

His eyelashes falling heavily onto his milky white skin. His plump lips open wide as he continues to breath through them. His cheeky that have gained some nice round shape , giving him the soft vibe.

He's about to approach him but the boiling noises coming from kitchen stops him. He rushes there only to see the kitchen become a literal mess. Trying to take off the red hot lid off the pot he burns his hand in the process. He hiss loudly when the he finally feels his fingers burning at the hot sensation.

The vegetable soup that Jimin was making was now splattered all over the kitchen counter. The utensil burnt to black along with the few vegetables that was it's main ingredient.

" Oh you're back." Jimin asks once he's stepped into the kitchen , the loud noises woke him up from his short nap. He continues to rub his puffed up eyes with his fist but stops when the ardent smell invades his nose.

" My soup..." He looks at the now empty dried up pot , half of the soup evaporated into thin air and other half of it was smeared on the counter.

" I'm so sorry , I must have dozed off in between." He rumbles through the drawers to find a suitable cloth to wipe it all out. Dropping things here and there out of his clumsiness.

" It's okay Jimin. Let me do it." He tries to snatch the cloth from Jimin's grip but he's holding onto it too tightly.

" No, hyung. It was because of my carelessness let me clean it." He places the now burnt pot into the sink , filling it up with water while he continues to wipe the surface.

Before he could even give it a first rub , a loud cry fills up the house making him halt in his way.
Yoongi takes the cloth at that moment , taking advantage of the distraction.
" Haru needs you. Go , I'll take care of this." Yoongi pushes him outside of the kitchen.

Even though he wanted to go back inside and help Yoongi he can't turn a blind eye to Haru , especially when his baby needs him the most.

" Were you scared baby ? Don't worry papa is here now." He picks up the infant in his arms , wiping the big fat tears from his cheeks.

" Why is my little prince crying , hmm." He boops his little button nose , that he surely inherited from Yoongi.
" Let's stop crying now." He gave him a kiss on his forehead , smiling sweetly at him. He let all the worry slide away for once , getting enchanted by his baby's beauty.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora