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Anyone who has known Yoongi for long enough would know how he absolutely hates it when someone disturbs his sleep. Jimin too was aware of this fact.

But the sudden craving in the good 3'o clock at night made him find his way towards the living room , staring at a sleepy Yoongi. For once he thought about just going back to sleep but his stomach grumpled again.

" Yoongi hyung." He tries to wake him slowly , not to rush anything.
" Hyung." He shakes him again , hoping it'll help but Yoongi seems to be in a deep slumber.

" Ah hyung wake up." He shouts after being unsuccessful several times. The loud scream made Yoongi wake up with a jolt. He looks at Jimin with worried eyes. His first instinct is to see if Jimin is hurt anywhere.

" Is something wrong ? Should I drive you to hospital ?" He stands up with his half lidded eyes , walking towards the drawer where he keeps his car keys.

" Hyung." He holds him by his wrist , pointing towards his belly with a desperate pout.
" Shit. It's hurting ? Let me just-"
" I'm hungry." Yoongi stand still for a second interpreting if he heard the right words or not.

" Baby wants pizza."
" You woke me up because you want pizza at what 3 am ?" He couldn't believe that Jimin disturbed his peaceful sleep just for a mere pizza. He for sure sound annoyed , his tone heavy with a bit of anger.

" I'm sorry. I shouldn't have woke you up. Goodnight hyung." The dejected look on Jimin's face made Yoongi's heart tear in two pieces. He's a jerk for getting mad at such a small thing.

"Hey , it's okay. Wait here I'll get you your pizza." Jimin's face lit up at that but soon turn into a frown after thinking about it too hard.

" You don't have to." His shoulder slumps down once again and Yoongi hates to see Jimin like this.
" Shh. I'm not going to hear no now. So, tell me which flavour you want."
" Pepperoni pizza with extra cheese." Jimin replies with a big smile , his mouth already drooling at the mention of food.

Even though Yoongi hates waking up in the middle of night , hates driving in such a chilly weather and absolutely hates to go to a store so far away from his home , he'll do it all , if only he could see Jimin's beaming smile at the end of it. He'll do it all without any second thoughts.

" Here's your order sir." He serves the pizza in front of Jimin , the little drool falling from his mouth makes him look even cuter.
" Anything else you want ?"
" Chocolate sauce." Yoongi gave it to Jimin within a second. Settling down on the other couch ready to sleep again.

His eyes bulges out when Jimin pours the chocolate sauce all over the pizza and munches on it happily. The sight was even to make Yoongi's food churn in his stomach.

" Ywu want swome ?" Jimin notices him staring at the pizza and expands a slice towards him out of his generosity.

Yoongi shakes his head furiously. He don't know how Jimin even manages to eat this with such a smile of his face , even a simple look of this is making him nauseous.

Yoongi thought that was the first and last time he would see such a weird combination. But oh boy how wrong he was , it was only a start. Fries and strawberry jam , peanut butter sandwich with hot sauce topping , hot cheetos with yogurt, and what not his poor eyes witnessed in the past few weeks.

The cravings were crazy but Jimin's mood swings were crazier. He came back home one day just to see Jimin bawling his eyes out on the couch after he finished watching boss baby.

It was a one fine day when Yoongi came back with some jjangmyeong , Jimin's favourite snacks. He placed it in front of younger with a big smile who just frowned at him. Instead of thanking Yoongi , Jimin grabbed Yoongi by the collar of his coat , sniffing into it.

" You reak." He pinches his nose as the disgusting smell lands on his smell glands.
" What ?" Yoongi didn't quite understand the situation. He sniffles it himself but didn't smell anything out of ordinary.

" You smell like another omega." That made him remember the incident , he saw a lady dropping her bag when he was buying the noodles so he decided to help her. Her scent must've sticked on his coat during that time.

" Oh , I was just helping someone." He tries to reach forward but Jimin pushes him again.
" Take a bath first."

" But I'm hungry." He looks at the jjangmyeong who's waiting to be eaten.
" If you don't want me to puke my stomach's content , please shower." He says with an annoyed tone and Yoongi had never heard it. Jimin would always try to control his anger , you won't even notice he's mad at something because of how he always speaks with his sweet tone. The pregnancy had really changed him into a whole different person.

" Okay okay I'll." It's better not to get messy with a angry Jimin. He backs off quickly following Jimin's demand instantly.

When he finally comes out if the shower Jimin is still sitting idle instead of digging into the food.
" Why aren't you eating ?" He takes the empty spot next to him , pouring out the take outs into the plates.
" Sorry for earlier. I didn't know what got into me." Yoongi smiles , his old Jimin is back.

" It was nice to see a different side of yours. Angry Chick Jiminie." He laughs at the nickname.
" Yah. I'm not a chick." Jimin should be offended by the nickname but instead he seems to really like it.
" Sure. Sure. Whatever you say. Now eat before it gets cold." He puts the first bite in front of Jimin's mouth who gladly takes it in. Face relaxing when the ecstatic taste lands on his tongue.

He opens his mouth again , ready for the next bite. Yoongi chuckles at him before feeding him once again.
" Baby." He mutters once Jimin chew on the bite softly, his rounds cheeks stuffed with the food making them appear even fuller.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat