Epilogue I

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It's truly said that, the time flies by faster when you're with your loved ones.
It's been three years since their marriage. But to them it still feels like they're newly weds.

Together they experienced Haru's first word and his very first step. Yoongi was actually a bit sad that Haru's first word was 'papa' and not 'dada'. But he was the happiest when Haru took his first step in his direction. Jimin watched and cheered for his baby, filming his very first step as a precious memory.

It all feels like it happened just yesterday but now Haru was actually in pre school. They can't belive how much their little boy has grown up. Even for his age, Haru is the smartest one among his classmates. To which Yoongi always say that it's because Haru inherited his genes. He's a boastful dad.

Yoongi and Haru has a very special relationship apart from being father and son. When Yoongi is playing with him he acts like he's a kid too, making funny faces to hear his baby's giggles and helping him with his mischievous deeds. But when Haru has done something wrong, Yoongi lectures him too. And Haru being the best baby ever listens to him carefully and apologize immediately.

Even after Haru having his own room, he always sleep in the couple's bedroom. It's not because he's afraid of sleeping alone or anything. In reality, it's because of Yoongi, who says he's too accustomed to sleeping with Haru between them that he can't just fall asleep without Haru being next to him.

If Jimin has to compare his marriage with Yoongi to anything he'll like to compare it with the moon. There's just something special about it. When you feel sad and gloomy, and suddenly the moonlight fall on your face, it's like someone is hugging you, comforting you, telling you that in this dark world I'm here to provide you the light, I'm here for you, just hold my hand and give me a smile.

For him Yoongi is just like that, he can't even remember the last time he shed tears or even felt upset. Since the very first day Yoongi entered his life he is in utopia, a place where he only knows happiness. It was like, one day Yoongi just entered his life and said 'Hey, I'm going to make you happy everyday for the rest of your life' and actually did that.

Life is not constant, there were a lot of changes in their lives too but thankfully nothing changed between them. They still felt like they were in the honeymoon phase of their marriage. Yoongi would try to sneak kisses while hiding from Haru's gaze because that little guy sometimes gets really possesive.

Jimin came to the conclusion that working from home was the perfect job for him. Yoongi actually encouraged him to resume his job as the teacher but it was his own choice to stay home. His whole day would be spent in playing with Haru, doing the house chores and cooking for his two babies. And he actually liked this life better.

Even right now he was busy in the kitchen. It was sunday, meaning that Yoongi was home. Usually Yoongi would always help him with the lunch whenever he was home but today something was odd. There were no sign of Yoongi or Haru, the house was oddly silent.

And whenever the father son duo was this silent it only meant one thing, they were causing trouble. Turning the gas knob off, he started to search for them. The door to Haru's room was left a bit ajar, you could hear their faint whispers coming from inside.

He prepares himself for what the closed door hid inside. But miraculously the room seemed pretty upright, just not his new fluffy white rug that he bought just a week days ago, it was now covered with paint. The duo gasped on seeing Jimin, their hands went back to hide behind their backs.

" Hyung ! Haru !" Both of them jumped from their spots on hearing their name being called. They both know better than to mess with an angry Jimin.

Jimin turns to look at Yoongi, his white t-shirt looks more like a rainbow now. Not only their clothes but even their face and hands are covered in paint.
" You guys seriously." He leans to the nearest wall, feeling like he might loose his balance from all the headache and aggression.

" We were just painting, see." Yoongi nudges Haru to show Jimin the painting they had made earlier.
With his little hands Haru grabs the drawing and waddles upto Jimin, even his little feet are covered in paint. Jimin won't lie, his little baby actually look so cute like that.

" Papa, Haru sorry. Don't scold dada." He looks at Jimin with his big eyes.
Jimin chuckles a little at Haru's desperate attempt to save his dad from his scolding.

When Jimin looks at the drawing all his anger evaporates in the thin air. He's smiling from ear to ear, his eyes moistening at how beautiful the picture is.
It wasn't something grandiose, there were three stickmen, two of the same height and a small one between them. All of them held each other's hands and on top of the drawings were their name written 'Papa' , 'Haru' & 'Dada'. "My happy family" written in bold letters on the top, in Yoongi's handwriting.

Someone tell him how is he supposed to be mad at them when they both are so cute. Like even if he tries to get all serious and get actually mad at them, it'll only take him a smile from Haru or Yoongi's pleading eyes and well you know no one could withstand them.

" Haru ah, it's so beautiful." He kisses both his cheeks, it's a gesture to show him that he's not mad at him anymore.
" Thank you, papa." Haru jumps happily on recieving praise from his papa, he goes over to give him a hug. That's his way of showing his love to Jimin.

Jimin doesn't waste any time in picking the baby up into his arms and swinging him around the room.
" Save some love for Dada, too." Yoongi wraps his hand around both of his loves. It's amusing how people say it's impossible to hold world into your hands but Yoongi can do it so easily. His world resides only in his son and Jimin.

" No love for Dada, today." Jimin says in a fake annoyed tone.
" Let's go Haru, we'll eat lunch and your dada will clean all this mess." He hold out the free hand for Haru to high five it.

" Yes, dada should clean." He shows Yoongi his gummy smile before placing his tiny hands on Jimin's.
" Bye dada." Haru waves him off as Jimin carries him out of the room.
Jimin poked his tongue out at Yoongi before walking out.

Settling down Haru in his tiny chair, Jimin notices how he brought the drawing along with him. Suddenly it gave him an idea. This drawing might be helpful in the surprise he's planning for Yoongi's birthday.

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