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Yoongi ran upto the apartment , his hands shaking as he opened the door. The room was filled with silent whimpers , Jimin laid on the couch almost lifeless. His body covered in sweat and tears , a symbol of the pain he was going through.

" Jimin." Yoongi scoops him in his arms , caressing his face with his trembling hands.
Jimin opens his mouth to say something but the words die from the scream that he let out. It feels like there's a stake being hammered into his stomach , the strikes radiating pain in a way that shatters his brain. His breaths becoming shallow with every pain that he experience.

" Hurts." He makes out the words somehow , his mind going black again from all the pain.
" Baby." He cries out once again before the pain numbs , he can't feel his surroundings and slowly his body floats into the unconsciousness.

The next time Jimin gain consciousness the first thing he notice is the beeping of the machines that surrounded the bed, his legs were numb. His first instinct was to search for his baby , all the worry fades away once he feels the movement of the baby. He opens his eyes to meet a dismal view of a magnolia colored hospital room, the room was empty beside the bed and the machines , a little window situated on the far away corner. The navy blue door opens to reveal a tired Yoongi.

He stops in his track when his eyes meet with Jimin before running upto him.  The doctors came rushing in shortly after , forcing Yoongi away from him. They surrounds him in no time , noting down his condition and checking him up.

" How are you feeling Mr. Park ?" The doctor asks politely , a friendly smile on his face.
" Good." He replies , his eyes fixed on Yoongi who stood on the farthest corner.
" That's great then." He hands over the notepad to one of the nurse before moving closer to him.

He places his hand on Jimin's bump , his lips sealed in a thin line trying to focus.
" Is my baby okay ?" He asks in a hesitant voice , biting out his lower lip in nervousness.
" Yeah the baby's fine now." That reassures him but something about it still made him worry.

" You experienced the contractions because of the stress. It was fortunate that you came here early or else you could have lost the baby." The last words ringed in his ear. 'Lost the baby' his mind go blank imagining the worst possible.

" I'll prescribe you some medications and painkillers but the only thing you can do is to not take stress and try to stay happy." The doctor walk upto Yoongi , talking about something important that can't be heard from where Jimin's bed was situated.

Yoongi looks at him but his gaze doesn't met his , was he mad at him for almost losing the baby ?
" Hyun-" he tries to call for him but before he could complete his sentence he left the room abruptly , leaving Jimin all alone.

Yoongi helps him getting in the car, everytime Jimin tries to initiate a conversation Yoongi would ignore him. Jimin couldn't help but feel like it was all his fault. Yoongi's silence was eating him up inside , he tries to not stress over it not after the doctor himself said that it was harmful. But he can't help but feel his heart sinking. He looks over at Yoongi who doesn't even bother to spare a glance at him.

The house is consumed in deadly silence when they enter. The atmosphere heavy , Yoongi stops for a second making Jimin freeze behind him. He turns around his eyes on the ground , not daring to make an eye contact with Jimin.

" Hyung.." He whispers , his mind trying to process the scene in front of him.
" I'm sorry." Yoongi finally looks at him , his eyes are filled with tears. Jimin has never seen him like this.

" Hyung what happened ? What are you sorry for ?" He steps closer to Yoongi to get a better look of his face.
" I'm sorry for leaving you here alone. I'm sorry for not picking up your calls. I'm sorry for not being there for you when you went through all that pain. I'm sorry for being irresponsible." He falls to the hard floor with that. His guilt consequences eating him up.

Jimin stayed like that for a second. His mind interpreting the words. He crouched down next to him , his hands finding their way upto Yoongi's face.
" It's not your fault hyung. Why are you beating yourself up for such thing." Yoongi shakes his head to , he thinks it's his fault for endangering Jimin and his baby's lives. Why couldn't he have been more careful.

" No Jimin it's-"
" Yoongi." He speaks in a firm tone , the drop in honorifics made Yoongi look at him.
" It's not your fault. It's not anyone's fault. Things like that might happen in our lives. We have to learn from them and let it go."
Yoongi stares at him in disbelief , his little Jiminie has grown so much. He's changed into a matured person and he's so proud of it.

" Now stop with all the crying you're making me sad." He quickly wipes his tears at that , his frown now changed into a smile.
" See I'm not crying , now don't be sad. It's not good for the baby." Jimin automatically grins once he see him happy again.

" Can we watch a movie now ? I'm hungry too."
" Anything for my big baby."

The silent house was now filled with happy laughter. And that's how Jimin would like it to be. He scoops closer to Yoongi. His back resting along the older's firm chest. A blanket draped over them , their bodies tangled together to fit in the small couch. Their hands resting on top of each other on the baby bump.

Yoongi looks at Jimin sleeping peacefully in his arms. He places his hand on the firm bump , the baby moving at his touch indicating it's presence.
" I'll protect you both." He rubs soothing circles in his belly. His look softening at the baby's moment.

Jimin smiles on hearing those words , it means alot to him. He secures his hold on Yoongi's hand keeping his eyes still closed.

I've passed by many eyes , but I get lost into yours ↻ yoonmin  Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα