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So, first thing I'm going to say is that I feel kind of bad that I'm not posting a chapter so some people might just get excited and then be like: oh, it's an announcement; so that's why I'm posting a new chapter right after!

But the announcement is this: I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to keep up with the schedule I made for myself. Truth is, I haven't been feeling too good lately and school has got me going crazy so Wattpad has definitely taken the back seat for a while.

Sadly, I will not be returning to the usual posting schedule just because I want to take care of myself and that means taking time to do things so that they can be better.

From now on, I'll post from time to time, every time that I feel a chapter is ready. I will still try to be quick so you don't have like a two week pause but I can't promise anything since I don't really know what the future holds for me.

Hope you're all doing well for this holiday season,


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