Chapter 9: The ruined date

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Ginny walks into the dormitory while I was putting on my scarf. She looks at me confused.

- Hey. Where are you going?
- Honeydukes. I'm meeting somebody.
- I could come with you! It'd be so much fun! Please say yes!

I hesitate. The days have passed so fast since my first encounter with Theo and Saturday morning is already here. He must have calculated since our date is precisely the day of the Hogsmeade trip. I haven't told any of my friends because I know they would not approve of me going on a date with a Slytherin. Dumb thing, houses. They decided not to come anyways so, at least I won't have to hide.

- Sorry Gin. No can do.

She pouts.

- Guess I'll see you later then.
- See ya!

I put my bag on my shoulder. I open the door and run down the stairs. I make my way out of the castle. The afternoon sun blinds me and I have to take a few moments to adjust to the light.

I jump down on the stones beside Hagrid hut and take a shortcut on the edge of the black lake. I come across a little path and follow it. I let my mind wander about what this date could mean. I smile a the thought of it.

In the horizon, I see the little houses of the village showing and I start walking faster. I'm almost running when I get to honeydukes. Luckily, there is no hogwarts student in the village yet. I spot a bench and decide to go sit on it. It's really hot so I decide to take of my scarf and I put it beside me. I do the same with my bag. From there, I watch as Theo arrives and looks around looking for me.

- Running late?

Theo looks at me and smirks.

- Maybe. But does it really matter? If I'm not wrong, I think you've just arrived so...

I put my hand to my chest and fake being offended.

- Are you insinuating that I am accusing you for *gasp* no reason?! I'm deeply hurt Mister!

He laughs and throws his head back. He walks towards me and sit at my side. I ask:

- Shoot.
- Shoot what? A bird?

He appears confused. I realize.

- Sorry, muggle thing...

He tries not to act disgusted but I can clearly see him flinch. I remember that even if he's nice, he is still a Slytherin. I'm a little turned off.

- But still, your full name?
- Should I really say it?
- Oh come on! I have made the effort to come here so you would tell me your name! That was our deal!
- You're right. I kind of have to do it don't I?
- You do. Now, don't leave me waiting.

He turns to me and looks into my eyes. I feel weird. As if he can see me. Let me explain, of course he can see me, I mean he's not blind but he can see me in a way nobody did before. Like he sees under my arrogant looks that I'm just scared. Scared of being abandoned like I was so many times growing up. Transferred from an orphanage to the next like I'm an animal.

The idea of him being able to figure out every my worst fear freaks me out. I try to keep calm but I end up just looking down at the bench. Theo takes his hand and places my chin up so I'm looking at him again. He murmures

- I won't be able to say it if you're not looking at me.

I nod. My heart flutters at his touch. He hesitated but finally, he says in one breath:

- Theodore Finley William...Nott.

I can't breathe. My eyes fill up with tears. I look at him.

- You do know what that means don't you?
- Well, yes. My parents are death eaters.

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