Chapter 32: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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We enter Fred and George's joke shop and I am amazed at the number of times where I can see the letter W. Seriously, it's amazing in here. It certainly is different from the rest of Diagon alley which turned into a dark empty street. A loud crack is heard beside of me and I turn to see two grinning redheads.

- Well, hello there, Miss Trigg!
- Or should I say: Miss Pot...
- Shut up you idiot!

I say slamming my palm on George's mouth to stop him from saying aloud my real name. Even though I act annoyed, there is clearly a smile on my lips. I hear Mrs Weasley behind me, saying in a horrified tone:

- They are going to get murdered in their sleep!

I turn to see that she is looking at a poster for the twins' new product: the U-no-poo. Ron laughs out loud and puts a hand on his mom's shoulder:

- No! They are brilliant!
- Glad that you think so little brother! Hi Harry!
- Hi Harry!

The duo says at the same time. They then proceed to giving my cousin a tour of their shop, so, with Ginny, we look around. I approach many different products but am mainly attracted to the amount of candy they have. I come upon a package indicating puking pastilles and I hear a voice in my head saying:

- I gave them the thing that said puking pastilles. I didn't think they'd be that efficient!

It was Theo's words. In my head, I can still picture his face when he said that, his goofy smile and raised eyebrows... and I can still hear his voice. Very clearly. It's weird, people say they start forgetting certain things by now, but I don't want to forget. That's why I won't forget, I won't let myself.

I shake my head to get out of my thoughts. Ginny is looking over some weird fur balls and asking her mum if she can have one. While I walk to get to them, I get stopped as four hands pull me into the storage unit. It's insanely big and there is not a lot of lighting so I have to squint my eyes to see the two faces before me. Still trying to figure out who pulled me in, Someone raises his wand and pronounces:

- Lumos.

The room lights up a bit, enough so that I can see Fred and George grinning at me. I cross my arms on my chest and try to prevent a smile from showing on my lips.

- May I ask why you kidnapped me?
- There's something we need to show you.

George starts. He winks at Fred who then exits, probably to talk to customers. The remaining twin grabs my hand and drags me to a shelf far back in the room. He picks up a glass ball about the size of a fist and hands it over to me. I roll it in my palm, trying to find out what it does. My eyes go up to George, who is still smiling intensively.

- And what is that supposed to do?
- Well, we know how sad you were about Theodore Nott. I mean, I wasn't with you at the ministry but after, you were crushed! Then, you wouldn't smile or laugh for weeks, despite our best efforts...and I'd like to point out that we are terribly funny so we were not the problem. Anyways, we decided that we wanted to invent something to cheer you up.
- A prank? Or something like that?
- No, no, no. It's way out of our comfort zone but we felt like it would be nice. We came up with an idea and found the means to do it.
- Yeah, okay but what is it exactly?

He glances at the ball and I can see his eye twinkling. He's proud.

- Its called a comfort-globe. It allows you to see your memories. When you're down, you have to look inside it and it will show you exactly the memory you need to go on.

My eyes slowly drift towards the glass ball in my hand. My lips part slightly as white smoke starts filling it and I distinguish a face. Theo's. I can see me, standing beside him, in honeydukes. We are buying candy and I laugh at something he says. A smile forms on my lips and my eyes get watery.

The scene changes and we are now outside in the snow, fighting over the last chocolate frog. I grab it in my hand, holding it far enough so that he can't get it. I quickly stuff it into my mouth and laugh. He chuckles before kissing me softly. A tear rolls down my cheek. I remember that. It was two weeks after we had gotten together.

- Just to be clear, I can't see what you are seeing but by the look on your face, I'd say we got it right — wait, are you crying?
- Happy tears!

I say in a laugh. To be more precise, those would be more nostalgic tears but I won't specify. George's smile widens.

- Then you can keep it. For free. It's all yours!
- George, I really can't, I can pay you know and...
- El, it was made for you!

I jump into his arms and give him a tight hug. He looks shocked at first but he then hugs me back. In his ear, I whisper:

- Thank you.

We stay like that for a undetermined period of time as a few tears roll down my face again. He lightly pats my back.

- Am I interrupting something?

Fred says as he enters the room, with a smirk. I pull away from his brother who looks at him with a grin. I wipe my tears and chuckle before saying:

- It's amazing! Your glass ball.
- Why thank you! I'd say we kind of nailed it! I'd even dare to say we are the most intelligent, best people on the planet!
- Come here, you idiot...

I say as I give him a tight hug too. He says to me:

- Your welcome.


We arrive back at the Burrow, the glass orb heavy in my sweater pocket. Suddenly, I think of something. Something I should've thought about a long time ago. Before anybody can say anything to me, I run off upstairs, to my room, and also Fred and George's old room.

I open my trunk and start pulling things out and scattering them all over the floor. Ginny comes by a few times to check on me, but never really stays longer than five minutes. After an hour or so of intensive research, I feel a like my heart skips a beat as my fingers touch a glass orb, very similar to the comfort-globe in my pocket right now.

But this glass ball is very different. I mean, they were both made for me but this one, is something else. It was made about me. I hold my hand tight around the ball, not wanting to break it by dropping it on the ground. After a few minutes of thinking, I look straight into the orb and words echo through the room.


Once the voice stops I, angrily, throw the ball on the ground and it shatters to thousands of little pieces. I fall to my knees, sobbing silently. After some time, I try to compose myself. I look over my shoulder to be sure that nobody heard me. I pick up my wand and start to clean the pieces of glass. My mind tries to process things but apparently I can't. I come to one and only one conclusion.

No one can hear that. No one can hear what the prophecy just said to me.

The last enemyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora