Chapter 17: The sister

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Sirius avoids both of our eyes.

- Akeyla's name was Potter. She was James' sister and twin, making Eleanor, your cousin.

Harry stares at him, his mouth wide open. I stay still. I figured. Everything makes much more sense now. My cousin (apparently) is boiling inside.

- So what if she had never knew she was a witch, I would have never knew I have another cousin?
- Sadly, this was the plan.

Remus comes forward and sits beside of us. He takes my pale, trembling hand in his and says:

- Back in the day, Akeyla and I were very close. I was her brother's best friend but we, were like brother and sister. It leaded to me being chosen for the role of your godfather.

I snatch my hand back. I roll my eyes and I laugh sarcastically.

- Great, more secrets! Is there something else I should know? Am I secretly a vampire?

Sirius tugs Remus' sleeve and whispers to us:

- We'll leave you time to catch up.

They both exit the room, leaving me in a very awkward position. I play with a strand of my hair. Harry talks first.

- So I guess we weren't entirely wrong when we made our deal about the whole family thing weren't we?
- Yep.

I nod in agreement. I am still wondering if I should talk to him about the fact that his parents found a way to speak to me. After all, he is their son, it would be logical. Truth is, I can't bring myself to it. Because then, he'll be crushed if he knows that his parents can but won't talk with him. I would be too. Harry takes a breath.

- Does this have to change anything? I mean we were already pretty close. What if we just keep acting like we would have?
- No.

I look away to get my thoughts together.

- It can't be the same. We were playing at being each other's family. Now it's real. It's real and we have to do it seriously. I'll have your back and you'll have mine. Whenever, wherever and for whatever reason. That's how it's going to work.
- Okay then. I'm alright with that.

He smiles to me and I smirk. We both get up. I dust my skirt and we go downstairs together. Once we are almost in the living room, my cousin turns to me and whispers:

- Should we tell Mione, Gin and Ron what we know?
- Yeah. I think we can tell them. But no one else at hogwarts needs to know. If Voldemort truly is back, then he'll maybe find out that I'm alive...and if it's ever to happen, I would like him not to find me instantly.
- Of course.

We step into the room and I feel Sirius' and Remus' gaze on us. They hesitate whether or not they should come forward. I pull Harry's sleeve and bring him over to our friends, discretely driving him away from our godparents.

Our friends are a little surprise to see us. They start talking about how we missed dinner and I only listen from one ear. After their whole speech is done, I lean forward and whisper:

- We need to talk. Now.

Mione frowns at the both of us but still follows. Ron is filling his mouth with pastries while Ginny is rolling her eyes at him. We get to a little closet. Once we are sure that nobody is listening, I tell them all what I know about my mother. At the end of the story time, Ron swallows his food and says:

- I didn't expect that.
- Seriously, you guys are cousins?

I nod at my best friend. Mione is still very surprised. On the other side of the room, Gin is leaning on the wall with her arms crossed over her chest.

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