Chapter 82: Rebellion

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I furiously walk through the portrait of the fat lady, not paying any attention to her screeming that I was impolite. Confusion and anger building up in me, I struggle to get my jumper off and I run up the dormitory stairs. I enter silently and take my place back in my bed. I huff loudly, but not loud enough to wake the girls up, in frustration.

The hat's verdict is not one at all. All I asked for is him to tell me if I've been out in the right house and he can't even be bothered to answer! Actually, he did answer; just not something intelligible. What the hell did he mean, saying that something about me was inhuman!?!

I'm tired of all these games! First, I'm supposed to have some kind of power, then the prophecy, then I have to figure out everything on my own, and then being inhuman? I seriously don't know what to think about anymore. Things are just so frustrating and complicated.

As I continue to ruminate about the hat's answer, I finally come up with one realization. Dumbledore didn't know where to put me. So why did he put me in Gryffindor? Technically, he always said that it was our actions that determined who we are...and if that's true and what the hat said is true; then I would've been Slytherin, wouldn't I've been?

As I think this, I hear a quiet thud coming from my trunk. I immediately know what just happened. Getting my wand from my side table, I think in my head: Accio Dumbledore's box. I wait for a few seconds as the usual wooden box flies to me.

I catch it in mid air, the familiar feeling of polished wood under my fingertips. Suddenly, something falls from the box and lands on my face, slicing the skin and creating a small cut on the upper part of my left cheek.

Wincing, I put my palm on the cut. In my other hand, I feel around to find what could've cut me. When I find it, I see in the dark that it is a glass vial containing a memory. Upon inspection, it appears that the glass is broken on a small part which is why it cut me. I turn my attention back to the box and see that a wooden drawer has opened. Inside, I find a not with only one word written on it:


Without even realizing it, I frown in confusion. I recognize Dumbledore's handwriting and so it is him apologizing to me but the real question is: for what?

In a matter of seconds, I find myself on my bed, the curtains around me closed and my face hovering over the pensieve. With a deep breath, I dive in.


- Severus, the girl will be sorted into Gryffindor.

I hear my old headmaster's voice saying loudly through my mind. When I open my eyes, I am in the same room as I was earlier, with Snape. Dumbledore's office looks so magnificent when he is actually in there. Now, it's like a part of its grandeur left with him. It's like there is something missing and that the room is only awaiting his return.

Severus Snape is pacing around the office as Dumbledore is sitting in the edge of his desk, watching with a stern look. Snape turns sharply to Dumbledore and angrily mutters:

- You are not being fair by refusing to let the sorting hat sort her.
- Yes, I know that very well Severus. But; sacrifices must be made and the girl must be close to Harry.
- No she mustn't! There are other ways, other options!

Snape says, pointing his finger threateningly towards the old man. Angrily, he continues:

- She doesn't have to do whatever you want her to do! Her mother made the wrong choices and was stolen her childhood, let the girl have that at least!
- I am afraid that it is too late to save Miss Potter's childhood considering she has lived in an orphanage for most of her existence.
- Then why? Why do you need so desperately to bring them together? Why do you need to cheat your way out of this?

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