Chapter 18: Back to Hogwarts

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I walk through the hallways of the only place I can consider to be a home. Hogwarts.

The burrow was nice, I have to say, but after everything that happened on Christmas Eve, it was a constant reminder of my mother's betrayal. It was a relief to leave it.

We arrived yesterday morning and the classes have already started. I have a free period right now and I like to enjoy it by wandering around in the empty rooms. As fun as it is, this school is pretty nerve wracking and it is relaxing to have nobody around me for once. Just as I think that, I hear a noise behind me. I let out a sigh and turn around.

An elderly man is approaching me, looking at the sky with a jolly expression. His silver robes are making a gentle sound as it slides on the stone covered ground. A smile forms on my lips.

- Professor, I didn't expect to see you.
- I was looking for you, in reality. So, how are you taking in the news.

Somebody must've told him about what happened over the Christmas break.

- I'd like to say I'm taking it easy but it would be lying.
- Uh-huh, I see.

We walk for a few minutes together side by side. I still have many questions but with the recent events, I'm not sure I even want them answered. It's funny how a few sentences have completely changed my perspective. A few weeks ago, I was dying to know anything about my parents and now, the more I know, the less I want to actually be aware of their lives. Suddenly, Dumbledore purses his lips.

- I guess it's a way to put it.
- I'm sorry what?

Dumbledore grins as I try to understand what happened. It's like he read through my mind or something...Oh no.

- Have you ever heard of legilimency Eleanor?
- I've read a lot of books and it was never mentioned, no.
- It's a type of magic that allows one to look through another's mind. It is not well known of the community and not many are powerful enough to practice it. I have a feeling you and your cousin could do it if you tried. More precisely, occlumency.
- Please do not turn this around. You read my mind?
- Indeed.

I frown, debating if I should say something.

- And don't you have anything to say about it?
- Well I told you it's one way to put it. Besides, if you're already made up your mind, am I supposed to dissuade you?
- I don't know. You obviously know something. Why not just, tell me?
- You were the one to say you didn't want to know.

Do I? I mean, yes I am mad at my mom and all but...what if there is something I don't know that could explain some weird things like the dreams? Wow, this is getting really confusing.

- I agree.
- Would you please get out of my head?

He walks away, leaving me very puzzled and alone in the hallway. At the last minute, he turns around and says:

- Oh, and Eleanor, once in a while, you should talk to me about those dreams. It appears to be quite the family problem.

And he leaves. Quite the family problem? Harry is also having these dreams? I need to find out what they are about. Wait a minute, legilimency, can it also be used in dreams? And can dead people use it.


I'm not going mad. Dead people are trying to pass a message onto me. Why not talk to Harry then? His dreams...would he trust me enough to tell me about it? No he wouldn't. I'm pretty sure Dumbledore is the only one to know about them. But he told me. He wants me to find out. And that's exactly what I'll do.

I run to try to get to the library. There must be something to find there. On my way, I bump into someone and we both fall down. My head hits the ground and my vision goes blurry for and instant. I put my hand on the back of my head and feel a liquid. I bring my fingers back to my eyes and see red. Blood. As if this couldn't get any better, I realize a blonde boy sitting in front of me.

- Are you okay?
-Being nice again?
- Well, I knocked you down and you're bleeding. Would you prefer me to be a jerk?

I roll my eyes at Draco and I get back on my feet. I dust my robe and quickly reply:

- I don't know. I just have somewhere to be.

I try to run off again but he blocks me. I sigh.

- What is it Malfoy.
- I thought we were on first name basis, Halfie.
- First time for everything.

He frowns. Seriously, I don't have time for any of this none sense. I have bigger problems to deal with than a guy that's insulted since I'm being mean with him.

- Wow and I thought maybe I had misjudged you. I was wrong. You are an awful half blood.
- God! You're so annoying! Can I just go already?!
- What's you're problem? I was nice with you and then you're just going to go back to humiliating me?
- My problem is that you're a Slytherin and it appears that just like them, you are an insufferable little brat. Now can I go?

This time when I try to get past him, he doesn't stop me. I smile and start walking fast. I hear Draco's voice back in the hallway yelling:

- And it appears all Gryffindors are idiots!

I grin. For merlin's sake, what are we going to do with him? I did mean what I said though. It's not because he was nice once that he is suddenly all puppies and rainbows. I know for a fact that he is still the guy who calls Hermione a mud blood all the time. And he knocked me down and made me bleed which, by the way, is not very nice.

Well, at least it was an entertaining encounter. I put my palm on my scalp to stop the bleeding. I make a quick stop at the bathroom to get a bit of toilet paper to put on there. Hopefully it will be enough. When I arrive at the library, people look at me weird. I do am holding red stained paper onto my head.

I decide to try to find something about legilimency. I wander in the alleys, paying only attention to book covers. Suddenly, I spot my best friend reading a book on a table. That can't be good. I quickly run past her, hiding my face with my hair.

It's not that I don't trust her, I just think there is a reason to why Dumbledore didn't tell Hermione about Harry's dreams. She wouldn't understand. If I'm right, I think she would tell him that it's just in his head and that he can control it. For someone that has experienced weird dreams, I can say that this is not how it works.

Slowing down the pace, I stop in a row of books that talk about rare spells. J, K, ah, L.

Nothing about legilimency. How am I going to learn then? All of a sudden, a cloaked figure appears beside of me. I am startled and I instinctively bring my hand to my chest to try to calm my heartbeats.

Snape purses his lips looking like he is focusing. I remember my dreams, he is there too. He knows how to use legilimency and has used it on me. He'll understand better than Dumbledore about this, I think. I open my mouth to speak but he is faster.

- I assume you will come to see me then, Miss Trigg. Perhaps, in two days time?

I try to hide a smile. He read my mind.

- Yes professor.

And he leaves me, smiling, on my own.

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