Chapter 88: Just like that...

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I lean against a tree, look up, eyes closed. The night is already well advanced and the stars are shining bright. My breath turns into smoke when I exhale because of the cold weather. Today is January 7th. It's also the day something very important happens for me.

I have made my decision and I am going through with it. No matter what I do, I couldn't even turn the tables around if I tried to at this point.

I have been hinting my position to the Death eaters all week. If they haven't followed me here, in the Forest of Dean, then they are just dumber than I thought.

After a few minutes of silence, I start wandering around, looking for a place to fake settle in. When they arrive, Voldemort's supporters need to think that I have been here for a good while. That way, no one will suspect a thing.

I am totally at peace with my plan, knowing that I am doing this for my friends. It's the only thing I have to remind myself to be sure that I go through with it: it's for my friends and family.

The only thing that I am hesitant about is hurting them. I hope it won't be too bad. Hopefully the war will end soon and I will be able to see them and tell them all about it; about how hard it was to hurt them knowingly like this. And hopefully they'll forgive me.

I don't know if any of them will, really. I have a certain feeling that Remus and Tonks, Molly and Arthur, Fred, Ron, Bill and Fleur and another bunch of them won't be too bad. I also think that after being angry for a while, Hermione and Gin will forgive's Harry and George I'm worried about.

The last time I saw George we had an argument. At least I left on better terms with Harry. George will be hard to convince that it was for him, and even with all my best efforts, I'm not sure I'll be able.

Harry, I don't know. I don't know if it counts as betrayal to do this after he lost so many people. I told him I'd always be there for him and yet, here I am. Going through with this.

I finally find a spot to fake settle down. It's a little area in between four trees that looks a bit more comfortable than the rest of the forest. I take a seat and get started on a fire. This is going to be a long night.


I awake with sudden jolt. I hear voices. Death Eaters. Reluctantly, I get up, collect my things and take my wand in my hand. I hide behind a tree as the wizards arrive.

From afar, I can see that they are only two of them. I sigh of relief inwardly; that means it'll be easier. Suddenly, I hear one of them calling:

- I see her! Right behind that tree!

I squeeze my eyes shut, gripping my wand even tighter. Okay Eleanor, let's put on a good show. With a swift move, I uncover myself from my hiding place and scream:

- Stupefy!
- Crucio!

One of the two answers back and I dodge the spell. Flashes of light are exchanged through the night. Muggles away from here might think that it's fireworks but wizards know better. They'll know that it means the Dark Lord has found someone he was searching for.

After more duelling, I take cover behind a tree, to catch my breath.

- You think we don't know who you are, Potter?
- I know you know who I am! Reducto!

The Death Eater laughs as he dodges my spell. I change my hiding tree so that they can't know where I am for sure, in the darkness of the night.

- Come out to play and we'll make it quick Eleanor!
- Did you know that I knew your mother? I even had the honour to track her down and kill her! Imagine my happiness when I learn when I have been tasked with killing not only her daughter, but also the foolish girl responsible for my son's death!

Henry Nott.

Henry Nott is in the clearing, we are breathing the same air and he is out for my blood. He killed my mum. He tried to corrupt my late-boyfriend. Angrily, I yell:

- I will not deny having a part in bringing Theo there but I did not kill him! Lucius Malfoy did! On your master's order! If anything you killed him! How can you live with yourself!?!
- It's easy, Eleanor. Theodore was not himself when he decided to go with all of you. You corrupted him. And he used you. My son would never be with anyone of your kind.

Nott screams out, not knowing where I am. My blood is boiling. He is tarnishing Theo's memory. All the efforts that he did to become a better person will vanish if I let Nott get to me. And so, walking away from my hiding place and into view, I tell him:

- I don't believe that for even a second, STUPEFY!

Henry Nott falls on the ground of the forest. I let out a breath I'd been holding as his fellow Death Eater looks at him nervously. With a smirk painted on my lips, I quickly point my wand to him and say:

- I win. Petrificus totalus.

The Death Eater firstly stiffens and then falls, next to Theo's father. I take a few steps forward, bringing myself closer to them. I point my wand to the Death Eater first and say:

- Obliviate. You will remember coming into this forest to kill Eleanor Potter. You found her and she fought valiantly, even managing to disarm and stupefy Henry Nott. But you got ahold of her wand and killed her in cold blood. You didn't have time to get her body because you heard screams from the edge of the forest. You fled the scene but you don't think her body will ever be found.

Feeling my hand starting to shake, I close my eyes and continue:

- Without the shadow of a doubt, you killed Eleanor Potter and the merit should go to you. You will tell everyone that Harry Potter's cousin is no more and tell the dark lord that he won't need to go after her family and friends.

After a few seconds, I take a deep breath and point my wand now to Henry Nott.

- Obliviate. You will remember coming into the forest with orders to kill Eleanor Potter. She fought well and bravely. She even disarmed you and stupefied you. You woke up after, thanks to your other Death Eater. You didn't have time to see the body because you had to disapparate out of there. Without the shadow of a doubt though, Eleanor is dead. You will tell the dark lord that you don't think he should go after her friends and family now that she is no more.

And just like that; I am dead.

Quickly, I defreeze the Death Eater, wake Nott and; while they still look dazed, disapparate to a place I have only visited once.


My name is Ella Taylor and for me, magic does not least, not anymore.

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