Chapter 19: Theodore Nott

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I run up the stairs to the astronomy tower. I know my speech by heart. I learned it and Mione helped me practice it. I'm going to tell him that I like him, and that I want us to be together, and that I don't care anymore about all the stupid adversity thing. I'm a Gryffindor and so I don't care. Don't I?

I settled that I will going to do as planned and going to go see Snape in two days time. Anyhow, I need those days to think about all of it. About if I want to trust him. I mean, my dreams are pretty traumatic and knowing that he is responsible for them is not very fun. But at the same time, he offered to help and I can't do it on my own. I don't really have a choice.

I arrive on the top of the tower. It's not the first time I come here. It's usually the spot I go to when I need to think. I guess it's just because of the view. It's the prettiest of the castle at dawn. I know because of the few times I wasn't able to sleep in the early morning, I would come here. But this time, it's almost dusk. I shiver. I should have brought a warmer coat.

Snow is falling as the sun sets behind the mountains. I take a look at the lake. It's dark, almost black. If Harry wouldn't have told me what he saw last year in it, I would've thought it to be deserted. Life less. I would've thought that no living creature can be born in this kind of darkness. Apparently, many humans are...but I'm getting carried away.

On the other side of the tower is a boy. Dark hair, pale skin, hazel eyes; I know who it is. Excitement runs through me. It's been almost three weeks since we last talked...And our last conversation was disastrous. I intend on making this one memorable. In a good way. Memorable in a good way.

I don't announce myself. I'll surprise him. Without making a sound, I sneak up beside him. I don't dare to look at his face. I just wait until he sees me to say:

- Beautiful evening, isn't it?
- Sure is.

He grins and I smile back. He brings me into a hug and I hold him tightly. It's the closest we've ever been yet. I pull away. His eyes meet mine I find my knees to become a bit wobbly. I look at his hazel eyes; golden, with specks of yellow, green and blue. Beautiful enough to make any girl fall of him...and it certainly has.

- You look good Theo. How are you?
- Marvellous. You?
- Great.

I fake a smile. I'm not great. His parents killed mine and my mom was a death eater.

Dead people are communicating with me and apparently I have to stay away from my cousin but yeah; I couldn't be better. I think he is aware that I'm faking to be fine but he doesn't pressure me into talking and I'm grateful for that. With a nervous look, he bites his lip.

- So...after all of this, what do you think?
- I think that...

I take a deep breath. I can do this. Come on Eleanor! You even rehearsed. There is no way it can be that bad!

- I missed you. A lot. And I thought the whole thing over and I don't care. Gryffindors, Slytherins, were all the same! There's just one that's nicer than the other.

He laughs at my comment.

- Well, I think exactly the same thing and I would like to —
- Wait.

Something crosses my mind. I need to tell him about his dad. He needs to know.

- I learned something over the Christmas break.

And just as I did with Ron, Ginny and Mione, I tell him everything except the dreams. He listens carefully without interrupting me once. When I finally stop talking, he takes a minute before responding.

- So you're a Potter, huh? At least I don't have to worry about your cousin flirting with you.
- Theo!

I hit him on the arm and he laughs it off. I smile but quickly erase it when he starts speaking seriously again.

- Why did you feel like you needed to tell me all of that? I mean, I appreciate it really, that you want to be honest with me but it would have been so much easier for you to not have said anything.
- I think that before we decided anything about us, you needed to know the whole picture. And after the Yule ball, I figured lying to you was not the best of ideas.

He nods. I try to act as relaxed as possible but it's obvious that I'm not. Not only am I stressed about the idea of him not wanting to be with me but there is also the fact that our families aren't very good friends. Theo smirks, putting his arms around me and pulling me closer.

- Fine. I don't care. Okay, I care a little bit but why should it matter? I liked Eleanor Trigg and turns out she was a Potter all along. So what? You're the same person! And as a matter of fact I missed you like crazy and...I was wondering if you, wanted to maybe — make it official?

I run my finger over his arm and once again, he pulls me closer. I wrap my arms round his neck and we stare into each other's eyes, as if trying to figure out each other. But the truth is, we already have. His eyes linger on my lips and I suddenly realize how close we are.

Our face are an inch away from each other and our bodies are pressed together. Even though his father is Henry Nott, I have never felt safer in anyone's arms. My hands slowly move from the back of his neck to his chest, where I feel his heart beating furiously.

One more second feeling like torture, we are not able to resist. At the same time, we lean in and our lips touch. Butterflies fill my stomach and I can feel my heart radiating with joy. His hands move down to my waist and I feel my skin fluttering at his touch. I wrap my arms around his neck again, deepening the kiss.

I feel like I have just found myself in his arms and that I am now losing myself again in this kiss. It is like nothing I have ever experienced before. Time seems to have frozen around us. I long for more.

Our fingers interlace and I feel like I might explode from all the emotions I am feeling at the moment.

After an eternity or two, we find that we both have to breathe. When we part, my heart is beating loudly in my chest and all I can mutter to say is:

- How is that for an answer?


I lay in my bed reliving what just happened. It's official, I have a boyfriend! And the only people that know are Hermione, Theo and me.


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