Chapter 4: Hogwarts express

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I am on the train. My compartment is empty. I am pretty surprised that no one came since I saw a lot of students on the platform. Hugging each other and telling them about how much fun they had during the summer.

I couldn't help but feel my heart sink all the way down to my stomach at the sound of this. I looked to the ground. Dumbledore had seen my face and had just said:

- Don't worry. It'll happen to you too.

In less than a month, this man had became the most important person in my life. He was the only one who understood me and actually cared. He was more of a father than anyone will probably ever be for me.

And even when I was still at the orphanage, he used to visit me every two to three days to check on me. He explained to me notions that I did not understand to make sure that I was ready for the end of summer. He tutored me like that for hours and I could never get bored of the magic world.

I look out the window. It's been a few hours since we left London and I am already really excited. I have beside of me my Gryffindor robe, tie and everything. I can't wait to put them on so that I can actually fit in more properly.

I decide that it would be very much wiser to sleep a little bit before getting to the school. And so, I tilt my head down towards the glass of the window and fall asleep instantly.


I wake up in a dark room. No light is around me and I can barely see. I try to get up and I feel a headache. Suddenly, a man comes into the room, in his hand a wand from which comes out light.

I recognize him as Professor Snape, from Diagon alley. He looks at me evaluating my looks. I try to look brave but I can't. I am scared and I have no idea why. Something is just not right. Snape starts talking slowly, like every word is heavy for him to pronounce.

- Don't. Do not approach him. For darkness will follow. Stay put. Stay close. The truth will never come out. You must stay ignorant. Like you have always been. Such an ignorant little child. Pitiful, at the most.

He is almost whispering. I am very confused. Nothing he says makes sense. It's like there is something that I am not aware of.

- Professor, I don't understand. From who? Who must I stay away from?

But as I speak, the teacher disappears. In his place, now stands a woman with red hair and green eyes. The kind of eyes you never forget. She comes towards me and caresses my cheek. I do not move. She looks motherly but not familiar at all. I have never met her. She is starts speaking and unlike Snape, her words are light and gentle in her voice.

- I trust you. I trust you with him. Take care of him. You're all he will have left. And he's all you have. Great pressure is on you. Do not face it like your mother did. You can do better. Much, much better.

She says as she disappears down into the darkness. There is now no light and I am alone. I scream for help but no one responds. I cry and shout but again, I am alone. Alone and it hurts.

Suddenly, water fills my lungs. I gasp for air, trying to swim up to a surface I'm not sure exists. My tears become one with the water. It envelops me and I think this it. I am standing in my liquid tomb.

My hands cover my face in hope to protect me against death. In a last breath, I put my arms on my side. I open my eyes and light blinds me. A very bright light and I only understand what it is when it is too late.

A fire. A great fire. Even bigger than the one I created at the orphanage. It consumes every hope, dream and happiness of mine. It wants to kill. It crawls with the desire for vengeance. Thirsty for blood. The fire burns me and I scream. I feel it's power forcing down my muscles and skin. It burns me till I feel nothing, till I am nothing.

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