Chapter 68: The interrogation

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I walk downstairs to the living room. It's the middle of the night and the lights of the Burrow are all turned off. Trying not to trip over anything, I enter the kitchen. I don't make any sound as I open a bag a sweets that I had hid in a cupboard upon my arrival here at the start of the summer.

I take a piece of candy and put it in my mouth. Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming from the room on the right and almost choke on my food. Panicking, I sit down and hide behind the counter. Somebody enters the room and turns on the lights. I hear the steps getting closer to my hiding spot and so, I crawl to try and escape the room.

- Eleanor?

I turn my head to see Arthur, standing at the door. I get up and see that there is also Molly behind the counter where I was hiding. Stuffing the sweets in my pocket, I make up an excuse.

- Couldn't sleep. I took a glass of water. Anyways...night!

I say trying to get of the room but Arthur blocks me. He smiles and points a chair at the table for me.

- Sit down, will you?
- Er...sure.

I say hesitantly, taking the seat that he is pointing. Arthur and Molly both come to sit in front of me, on the other side of the table. Molly exchanges a look with her husband and then turns to speak to me.

- We wanted to talk to you — well, the Order and us wanted to talk to you about Dumbledore.
- What is there to talk about?

I say defensively, perhaps too fast not to sound suspicious. Arthur tilts his head and raises and eyebrow, giving me a knowing look. I sink in my chair, feeling a bit awkward about the obvious lie I just told. Molly puts her hands in the table and says:

- Dumbledore did tell us about you, though.
- What did he say?
- Don't seem so eager, Eleanor. It's nothing that you might not know.

I lean back in my chair since I had almost jumped up when Molly told me that Dumbledore talked about me. Arthur continues and says:

- He said that, apparently, you were very important to the war and that you were a key member of the Order. He said that we should rely on you and trust you blindly because you are much more powerful than you know.

I frown. Much more powerful? What the heck does that mean? Sometimes, I wish Dumbledore would have been clearer with his words. Molly sighs and says:

- What we are asking for is anything that Dumbledore told you that might be of use to win this war.

In my head, I roll my eyes. Anything that might be of use? Oh well, shall we start with the fact that Snape is still on our side? Or maybe that there are these things called Horcruxes that Harry needs to destroy? Seriously, I know way too many important things...but I can't tell them, now, can I?

I try my best to act as though I am searching in my mind for things he "might've" said to me. After a minute or two, I figure that I should tell them a part of the truth, to not come off as suspicious.

- I had lessons with Dumbledore...back in fifth year.
- Good! And what did you do then?
- Practiced spells...I also learned about my mum and things of the sort.

I say, shrugging. Molly and Arthur look like they are still waiting for me to say something else. This mustn't have been enough to satisfy them. I'll have to tell them something else. But what? I decide on something. Acting like I am exasperated, I sigh.

- Fine. Dumbledore is the one that told me to go back to Hogwarts this year. He is the reason I'm doing it.
- Do you have any idea why he might ask this if you?
- No...

I make it seem like I am hiding something, in the hope that they will be curious as to what I could be hiding. The thing is, they will ask, and I'll fake being reluctant and finally tell them some lie I'll make up. That way, it'll seem like they uncovered all of my secrets; even if they are fake. Like I predicted, Molly falls into the trap.

- Eleanor, you have to tell us everything. We must know what Dumbledore told you. This could mean do or die for some of us.
- I...I don't know if I can say this...
- Dear, we are the Order. We're trying to win but we can't win this if our members are keeping secrets from us.

I sigh and look away. Gosh, I am an amazing actor! If I was still in the Muggle world, I'd be auditioning for a TV show right now!

- All right. But the kids can't know this. Not even Fred or George. This must stay between the adults of the Order.
- Of course.

Arthur says, seriously. I continue:

- Dumbledore told me that I will take a special part in the war and that it has something to do with Hogwarts. He said that I would know what it is when the time will be right but, it still hasn't been. So, I'm stuck without information.

Molly nods understandingly. I'm surprised at how good of a lie I was able to come up with. Of course it's not entirely made up. There is a special part in the war in which I'm going to take part, Dumbledore has told me that I would know when the time is right and the time still hasn't been right but the Hogwarts crap is totally made up.

Arthur gets up and takes Molly's hand. She gets up too and smiles to me. Mr Weasley starts walking towards the door and her stops just before crossing it. He turns around and tells me:

- Thank you for telling us that. It means a lot that you trust is with this stuff and I am really grateful for that.
- Sure.

I say, smiling innocently. The exit the room and sigh of relief. I then walk back to the counter and shove a fistful of sweets in my mouth.

That went well, didn't it?

Guys! We are at 1.5 k read! Can you believe it? I mean, for a girl whose first language isn't French and considering that this is my first story that I've gone further than like three chapters, I'm really happy! Once again, thank you and also...I'm really sorry that I forgot to publish yesterday. So, I'll be publishing the other chapter tomorrow like I was supposed to.

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