Chapter 48: Drunk words are sober thoughts

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I walk around the house, not knowing what to do. We just finished a games of exploding snaps with Fred and Ginny. I'm not tired and I want to do something. I decide that I will talk to El. You know, it's been a while since we've seen each other and she'll be going back to hogwarts so, better have a conversation with everybody before they go back.

I look everywhere but she is nowhere to be found. I ask Harry:

- Hey, have you see your cousin?
- No...

He says grumpily. I'm pretty sure he's still mad at her for jinxing him. I have to admit that it was pretty funny, though. Since Harry has no answers, I move onto Ginny.

- Ginny, have you seen Eleanor?
- No, but she was sitting on the porch about an hour ago.
- Alright, thanks.

I wave to her. I go up to my old room to find my coat. I put it on and run down the stairs. I get to the door and open it. Well, she is not sitting on the porch anymore. The wind is very cold and I shiver. I look everywhere outside of the house but again, she is not there. It's then that I realize something. The rented car. The car that she rented is gone. I sigh and take out my wand.

- For merlin's sake, Eleanor!

And I apparate at the village. Once I'm there, everything seems pretty calm, except for the bar. I walk around, not knowing where to start looking. I am walking in front of the bar when, through the glass, I recognize a familiar face.

- You must be kidding me!

I say out of disbelief. I start to get angry. What the hell is she doing here? She could've been in danger and we wouldn't have known! It's dangerous for everybody around these times but it's even more dangerous for her! What would happen if somebody found out who she really is? I enter the bar, furious. I approach her, grab her arm and pull her away from her drink.

- What the hell do you think you're doing?
- Drinking.

She says with a giggle. Good, she's also drunk. I roll my eyes at her and it makes her laugh even more.

- Eleanor, you're not even allowed in here! How did you manage to buy drinks without them noticing?
- Fake ID. The muggles are quite inventive despite having no magic. It works like a charm. Haha! No pun intended!

She laughs hysterically and almost falls on the ground when she tries to walk back to the bar. Fortunately, I catch her before she falls. I sigh of disbelief as she rises up again and goes back to the bar. She takes a big gulp of what appears to be a muggle drink called "vodka".

- You know what? I think you got a really pretty face!
- Er, thank you?

I blush at the compliment. It is really weird to see one of your friends drunk. I glance at the people around us and see that they are staring at me. This too much attention for me. I grab El's arm in an attempt to pull her out of the bar. She resists.

- Come on, El!
- I don't want to go! I'm not going! Let me go!

She raises her wand and my eyes widen. I bring her closer to me so that nobody hears when I whisper:

- El, there are Muggles in here. Put the wand down.
- No. If you don't let me go, I'll jinx you.

She says, trying to get the words out difficulty. I implore her to think about it with a look.

- You'd get arrested for that. Don't do anything stupid.
- I will jinx you, George, Fred, or any other Weasley. I have to say you are a little blurry all of a sudden!

She says giggling again. She is definitely more drunk than I thought. I narrow my eyes at her.

- How many glasses have you had?
- Two or three. Or maybe 8. 12. Yep, 12.

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