Chapter 13: The Yule ball

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I make my way down the stairs, the music getting louder at each step I take. Hermione is beside of me. We don't really talk, but we stay close. That's how we've been for the last two weeks. When I had to tell her about Theo. She saw us, at the three broomsticks and covered for me in front of Gin and Luna. And after that, she wanted explanations.

There was a lot of crying. She hurt me the most when she asked how I could do that to myself. Endure being with the child of my mother's murderers. It hurt me because I realized I did not know what to answer. How could I do that to myself?

But it didn't matter because I wanted to do it. And I still do.

So that's why I spent some time with him after, hidden from the rest of our friends. We went on afternoon walks by the lake and it was nice. Really nice.But this, evening, is the Yule ball.

Ginny was overly excited all the time for the whole day. She insisted on doing my hair and make up and I couldn't refuse. I still do think she wouldn't have let me refuse. Overall, she did a great job.

My hair is pinned down in a braided bun and flowers are strategically placed in it. It looks great.

For my makeup, my eyelids have a brown looking Smokey eye and my lips are a natural shade of pink. She finished it off with a little bit of blush and eyeliner.

I have to admit that I look really good. Pretty, I even might say.

We take the last few steps. In front of us is our dates. Hermione and Ron are going together    "as friends" or so they tell us. I'm going with Zacharias Smith. He asked me just a few days after Theo did. I'm stressing about seeing him with another girl tonight. Actually, I don't even know if he has a date. I hope to god he does not.

The boys are speechless when they see us. Ginny is already down and flirting with a hufflepuff boy that I don't know the name of. Zacharias comes over to me.

- You look beautiful Eleanor. Really. The most beautiful girl in this ball.

He looks deeply into my eyes. I cough to hide a laugh. What a playboy. I congratulate myself for not telling him I have no interest whatsoever. This is going to be very fun.

He leans down and kisses my hand. This time, I have to bite my tongue really hard to stop the laughter coming. I take my hand back. He takes it as a sign that I'm seduced by him. Poor guy.

We're about to enter. I think of what Theo's reaction could be. His face invades my thoughts. Harry smiles reassuringly, seeing how nervous I am. It automatically calms me down. With his hands, he gives me a sign telling me to breathe. I inhale and then exhale. He finally gives me a very muggle looking thumbs up. I smile.

Ginny's date opens the door and my eyes go round in amazement. The great hall looks like it's been frozen. Walls are covered in icicles and branches of mistletoe are hanging in every corner. A big evergreen tree is standing in the back of the room, decorated with balls bigger than my head. Punch fountains and plates filled with food are served onto tables on the sides. We quickly found our table as the room fills up with teenagers.

Coincidentally, my table is just across from Theo's. He looks at me kindly and I blush. I see Zacharias glaring at me thinking he has this effect on me. Am I being cruel to him? I don't really thinks so. I see Theo following Zacharias' gaze. He turns red. The jealousy is visible on his face. I try not to make eye contact with him. It's then that I realize Draco sitting at his side. I remember his words from the alley beside the three broomsticks.

- That's why I took an interest in you. You were standing up to my best f...Malfoy.

How did I not see this? His best friend is Draco Malfoy! I don't have much of a problem with it, it's just that I don't understand why he would like the girl that torments his best friend. Well, it wouldn't be less peculiar than a Slytherin liking a Gryffindor.

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