Author's note:

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So...before starting this story, I feel the need to say a few things.

First off, this Fanfiction is currently being rewritten in a beautiful draft that I have not yet posted! I am so relieved however with how much fun I'm having fixing the plot holes and problems that I encountered the last time around and developing more characters that feel closer to what my goal was initially. That doesn't mean you can't read this because quite a lot will change so, there's that. However, some spoilers are to be expected. Anyways, proceed to the next warnings.

Secondly, I am definitely aware that this fanfiction is very...I actually don't know how to describe it. I wrote this a good while ago, when I wasn't that much of a good writer. It's not bad per se, there are a lot of moments that I'm proud of and I think you see in my writing style throughout the chapters that I get better and better.

So don't think I'm about to go and be like: this is shit, don't read it.

You can read it.

There are a lot of worse fanfiction.

It has a special spot in my heart cause it's the first one I ever wrote.

So yeah, some moments are cringey, some choices are debatable but overall, I had a lot of fun writing it and rereading it so go for it and you might like it.

Thirdly, I'm a native French speaker. English is my second language. I am now fully bilingual as I have lived in an English environnement for a long while but still- my English when I wrote this was far from the best. There aren't too many grammatical errors but in terms of French/English differences, it'll be easy for you to see what I got wrong. The most prominent exemple is the talking.

Grammatically, in English, we use these: " "

But in French, we can't use them for talking. Instead, we do this:

- Hello, she said.

He looked at her with a wide grin.

- Hi, he responded.

And me, at the time being unaware of that difference, used the French way of phrasing speaking all the way throughout the fanfiction. I think I realized about halfway through but at that point, so much was already written that I decided to stick with it. The next version won't have this, I promise😭.

So these are the three things I wanted to disclaim. Thanks for reading this, you make my job a whole lot easier.

I hope you enjoy and good reading😊

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