Chapter 43: What's the verdict?

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Harry, Hermione and Ron come to sit at the Gryffindor table where I already am with Ginny. They are talking about something that happened after I left Hogsmeade. I wave to them:

- Hey! What's going on?
- Where were you yesterday, when we were in Hogsmeade?
- Oh, I met somebody annoying and decided to go back to the castle. Why?
- Well, something a little crazy happened!

And Hermione goes on telling me about how Katie Bell got transferred to St Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies ans Injuries because of a cursed necklace. I'm sad since I really liked her and during the quidditch practice, we had became something like friends. Apparently, according to Hermione, Harry and Ron, Katie was not the intended target. Once Mione says that, Harry adds:

- There's only Leanne, Katie's friend, Hermione, Ron, me and now you that know the whole story...Oh! And Malfoy knows, of course, since he did it!

Hermione and Ron both feign deafness, as they always do when Harry goes on with his theory.

Weirdly, I find that I can't really do that because each time he talks about it, it just brings me back to asking myself; why would he be doing it? He saw what they do! Could he really be like that?


In the next few days, I decided to let the trio alone for a while, knowing that Harry just had an appointment with Dumbledore. I think that maybe it will make them think harder of whatever...and anyways, they sure would've wanted to talk about it and if I had been there, they would have needed to find excuses and it would have been annoying, really. This evening, as I'm in my dorm, Hermione enters.

- Hey!
- Hi.

I answer with no enthusiasm whatsoever since I'm doing my Charms homework. She sits on her bed and buries her face in her hands.

- El, I don't know if should've done that...
- Wait, what'd' you do?
- So, remember Slughorn's Christmas party for the slug-club or whatever?
- Yeah?

She looks really worried so, I close my books and sit up straight on my bed in order to listen to her better.

- Well, I thought I'd invite Ron since, you know...
- Since you like him but won't admit it? Yeah, I know!

I smirk and she throws me a pillow. I catch it before it hits me and I laugh. She gives me a knowing look and I clear my throat.

- Er — yeah, what were you saying?
- So, we were in Herbology and I wanted to introduce the subject of the party so I was like: Hey, Harry there's Slughorn's Christmas party and you are going to have to attend that one because he asked me to check and whatever!

She says while standing up and imitating herself. I chuckle at her impression.

- And?
- Then, Ron was like: Oh another party for Slughorn's favourites and I was like: Yeah, for the Slug-club and then he sneered: like Malfoy!?! Which was weird cause Ron doesn't do that and then I regretted bringing it up and I was just there, considering Obliviating him and...
- You didn't seriously consider taking his memory away?
- Well, just his memories from the last two wouldn't have been a big deal anyway...
- Did you do it? Is that why you don't know if you should've done that?
- No, just, listen to the rest of the story! Gosh!

I smirk at her frustration. She continues:

- So I; very obviously, didn't take his memory away but then he said: Why don't you try getting off with McLaggen, then Slughorn can make you king and Queen...
- He didn't really say that?
- Sure did. He really said King McLaggen and Queen Granger, okay maybe he didn't say it like that, which is ironic cause we all know that if Slughorn wanted to make somebody King and Queen, it would be you and Harry cause Harry is — well, Harry; and you, even though you haven't really done anything more than being good at potions, maybe a little better than me, he still likes you very much. Anyway, back to the point...
- Yeah, you are really getting carried away!

I laugh and she gives me another knowing look that I avoid, this time.

- Since I wanted to turn it around and actually ask him like I intended to do, I just said: We're allowed to bring guests. And then I said the stupidest thing and got mad at him! Why!!!
- What'd' you say?
- For starters, I turned red, why would I ever do that!?! And then, I said: I was going to ask you to come but if you think that's stupid then, I won't bother!
- Are you trying to make him come with you to the party or you are trying to make him mad?
- I don't know! It was stupid!

Hermione looks ashamed and mad at herself but I know that Ron most likely likes her back so, nothing to worry about. I mean, he's oblivious but not to the point of getting a girlfriend to get back at Hermione!

- And then, Ron looked as though he was surprised that I would want to ask him and he told me that'd he'd rather I go with him than with McLaggen...

She blushes and I smirk. Again, another pillow is thrown at my face.

- Sorry! Anyways, what's the verdict?
- What do you mean?
- Will he go with you?
- Yeah...

I scream jumping up and down on my bed and she laughs.

- Then why don't you know if you should have done it?
- I acted stupidly! I looked like a fool!
- It's not that bad! You...
- Maybe I should have obliviated him — I can still do it, I mean — Yeah I'm going to obliviate him, excuse me one minute.

I say, running after her through the door and down the stairs. Once we're down in the common room, she runs over to where Harry and Ron are and I throw myself on her, making her fall to the ground. The boys look at us like we are crazy and we are both hysterically laughing on the ground. Once we calm down, I quickly steal her wand away and say:

- I'mma keep that...
- El, you should give Hermione her wand back because —
- Shut up Ronald! I'm saving your arse so you shut up!

I shout as I run back upstairs to the dormitory.

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