Chapter 83: Out of control

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A month has gone by since the first statement and Hogwarts is, to say the least, in pure chaos.
The DA's statements and attacks are becoming more frequent and everybody seems either happier or more stressed. I am, evidently, the latter.

I've talked to Snape once more to think about what we will be doing and we decided that, he should not be the one to tell the Death Eaters my true identity. On my part, I was to send a patronus to the Order, informing them of an upcoming attack on a little village in northern England. Snape just told me yesterday that the plan had worked and that the Order had showed up. That way, both sides are happy for the time being.

The headmaster and I haven't been able to talk more though, because the Carrows have figured it out. Well, not entirely but they've figured out that the voice was done by one of the students and that this student is also responsible for the resistance at Hogwarts.

And to make it even better, all of the signs point to me. Which is why I have been getting a detention each two days and am now in very bad shape. Bruises are constantly forming on my arms and dark purple bags have appeared under my eyes. Fortunately, while I'm getting tortured, the DA is safer to make their moves and so, it's good enough for me to keep going.


It is late on Friday. Today is the day that all of the DA has been waiting for a long time. Since two weeks ago was patronuses, now, they have yet to be introduced to Occlumency. According to the others, they don't want to learn how to use it against people, they only want to learn how to protect themselves.

So, as I enter the room of requirement, around 11 o'clock, everybody is buzzing excitedly. The second they notice my appearance, the first one to come talk to me is Astoria. With a serious expression, she whispers:

- I'll need to talk to you and the Group after the class today...
- Sure.

I assure her. I then turn back to the room and my eyes fall on someone that I have never before seen in the room. I smirk and walk over to the Ravenclaw.

- Why hello there, Moran. Have decided to join my little army?
- Yes and I already regret it.

I laugh and shake my head in disbelief. Moran gives me a knowing look and I suppress my laughter, nodding as I say:

- All right, got it. No laughing at you.
- Good.

She says sternly, as if internally arguing with herself over saying something else. I look at her, raising an eyebrow and she sighs.

- I'm only going to say this once so listen very carefully.

Moran takes a deep breath and, closing her eyes, she speaks incredibly fast:

-  I'msorryforhowIwaslastyearitwas wrongandIunderstandnowthatyouweren't doingitfortheattentionandIhaveunderstood thatnowsincetheCarrowshavecometoHogwarts.

With a smirk on my lips, I cheekily respond:

- Come again?
- Urgh, fine. I'm sorry for how I acted last year. I've realized with the Death Eaters inside Hogwarts that what you did two years ago was admirable and not for the attention. What you do here is amazing and I praise you for it. You are certainly a better person than me and I could've been nicer to you...

She says, looking at the ground and growing slightly pink. A genuine smile makes its way to me face and, before I can think about it, I give her a hug. I feel her getting stiff and I hear her whispering through gritted teeth:

- What do you think you are doing?
- I'm hugging you?

I say, almost asking if she knows the word. She rolls her eyes and looks away, back to the people in the room. Getting more serious, I tell her:

- I really appreciate it Moran. I mean, it's nice to know you care about the cause. Thank you for supporting what we do and for joining. It means a lot to our side but it means even more to me. And...I haven't been the nicest with you either. I've provoked you quite a few times and for that; I apologize.
- Good. We're even then.

She says, grinning and I flash her a smile before stepping forward to greet everyone to the DA meeting.


As the students flood out into the hallways, talking excitedly about how they are going to practice so that I won't be able to get inside their heads next time, I call out:

- If the Group would mind staying back for a quick meeting!

Suddenly, some of the students come back in the room, getting cozy on the couches that are always in the middle. The Group is something that we decided to start three weeks ago. It is a council of sorts, that takes decisions for the DA and that talks strategy.

The group is composed of me, Ginny, Neville, Ernie, Susan Bones, Mary Alderton, Luna, Terry, Michael Corner, Astoria and finally her friend; Rachel Hamilton from America.

When we started, we knew that I was the leader of the DA for the time being so they trusted me to choose one person out of the three people, or two since there aren't enough Slytherins, to represent each house. It was easy to choose for Gryffindor and Ravenclaw. I went with my gut for Hufflepuff, choosing the girl that stood up for the animals back at the start of the year and for the Slytherins, I asked Astoria to choose someone.

As the group settles in, I glance at Astoria and Rachel, who both look very nervous. Once everyone is seated, the girls stand up and Astoria starts:

- I called this meeting because we have a problem.
- What is it?

Ernie asks curiously. Taking a deep breath, Astoria continues.

- Some of the Slytherins, the untrustworthy ones, they've heard that there was a DA.
- Well, it's not news, is it? Everyone knows there is a DA, even the Carrows.
- See that's the problem. They know that Eleanor is the one who leads it. They are also talking that she might have connections to the Order and that she has a secret of some sorts...

Astoria replies to Michael who commented earlier. My breathing accelerates. This is bad. It's only the start of November and I'm already in hot water? Mary frowns and asks:

- And do you, Eleanor? Do you have connections to the Order of the Phoenix?
- Yes, and that is why if the Death Eaters learn about it, she is a dead girl walking.

Ginny answers in my place. I try to think of an escape, some kind of plan but my brain does not seem to want to work properly with me. Rachel starts speaking for the first time in this meeting, which is considerably more than she usually does.

- I've made friends with some of the Death Eater's children. They think me one of them. I heard a boy talking about the fact that You-know-who started growing interested in Hogwarts, particularly in Eleanor.

The girl says, shyly. I bury my head in my hands, rubbing frenetically my eyes with my fingers, to try and soothe my nerves. All of the other students are watching me carefully, wondering what I will say next.

Me, who has always known what to do in every situation, I find myself to be completely helpless against this one. I always expected that the Death Eaters would grow curious...but I never thought this fast. Now I don't know what to do.

Sighing deeply, I take my hands away from my face and look up, at everyone. With a slightly shaking voice, I say to Ginny:

- Gin, that means that he will find out.
- I'm sorry, but find out what?

Susan asks, feeling a bit left out. Something suddenly comes up to my mind and I say everything clearer now. I rise up from the couch, feeling all the eyes on me. Quickly, I say to the group:

- You need not to worry. I'll figure out what to do. For now, we continue fighting.
- But El, it's dangerous. You can't —
- Neville, it's going to be all right.

I whisper to my friend, before leaving the room with only one thought in mind:

Like Dumbledore said, I know when the time is right; and it is now. It's time for me to leave Hogwarts.

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