Chapter 21: Snape's lessons

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This chapter happens two months later than the previous one.

- Legilimens

Snape's wand points at me as he pronounces the incantation. I feel the magic coming from his wand and hitting me hard in the head. I close my eyes.

I see a picture of my professor slowly forming. I recognize immediately the astronomy tower...and Theo. Nope, I'm not letting him see that. I start to panic but I then remember my training. I take a deep breath and start concentrating.

I imagine the spell, like water. Flowing down on me but never getting in. As if I was waterproof. In my head, I then create a wall. Higher by the second. It stops Snape from seeing in me, I know it. His picture gets blurry, to a point where he is only a shadow. That means it's time to change the scene.

I imagine myself, standing in the great hall. The first day that I was here. Hermione, Ron and Harry are standing next to me. I face the tables and very clearly, I see my teachers eating and laughing at their table. Dumbledore winks at me and raises his glass. I keep focus, not letting anything it distract me...but suddenly, I feel drawn to the back of the room. As if something is pulling me. I cross the doors and I'm back in the darkness. I close my eyes and when I open them, it's over.

I am back in Snape's study. I am panting. Like when I had my dreams, my muscles hurt. I look up to a slightly grinning professor.

- I wasn't able to see anything.

He says and I immediately smile. That's how we have been practicing. I try to drive him away, and then, I imagine a place. He lets go of the enchantment and after that, he tells me where I was in my mind, if it was clear or blurry and how well i did at protecting me from him. It's the third time that I've been able to block him completely. I am insanely proud. That means tonight is the night. I was waiting for the time where I'd be able to do it three times to actually make a move. Anxiety forms in my brain as I think of my plan.

- Very impressive, Miss Trigg. It only took you two months. Some wizards need a few years to do it that well.
- And does he do it well?
- Your cousin? No. He is barely able to see me in his head. You need a great ability to even realize that somebody is in your mind.
- That's not who I meant, professor.
- Then...yes. Extremely well. Better than I will ever do it.
- But am I safe?

Snape hesitates. If his answer is no, that could mean a suicide mission. That's not what I'm aiming for.

- He won't be able to hurt you. Of course you'll need to be focused for that...but if you do it exactly like you've just shown me, yes. You'll be safe.

I immediately feel more relaxed. Okay. I'll be fine. I can do this.

- Thank you sir. I appreciate all that you've done for me.
- This evening then?

I nod.

- Yes.

We take a minute of silence. I don't know what is going to happen but I just want one thing, I hope I'm doing the right thing. I am already outside the door when I hear something in my head. My mind goes black and I stumble on the stones of the hallway. I lean on the wall.

"Eleanor, please. Be safe and stay alive."

My eyes open all of a sudden. I find that my throat is closed and that I can hardly breathe. The voice was a man's and I recognize it as Harry's father's voice.


Now, my uncle also knows what I'm doing.

- Who is there?

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