Chapter 55: Her memories

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With the events of Ron getting poisoned and getting out of the hospital, I barely had time to stress with apparition test. Luckily, I completely nailed it but it could have gone really wrong if I didn't focus properly. Unfortunately, Ron didn't pass. He was close though, so that's something!

I walk into Dumbledore's office for my lesson. From the moment I enter, I immediately get the feeling that this is going to be a short one. Dumbledore points my usual chair to me and I take my seat.

- Today, Eleanor, the only thing I will do is ask for something.
- We're not watching memories or talking?
- No.

He says, shaking his head. I nod as I try to imagine what are the things he could ask for. Before I can actually come up with a theory, Dumbledore clears his throat.

- While we are still trying to figure out everything with Voldemort, I still need to figure you out, Eleanor.
- Figure me out? What is there to figure?
- Your capacity to use certain kinds of magic like no one else.

I understand that he is probably referring to legilimency. I don't get it. I'm sure a lot of people my age are able to do it. I'm a just a bit better than most people. There's nothing else to it.

- What I will ask for, is perhaps a bit much. I need you to know that you can say no. It's only if you want.
- What do you need, Professor.
- I would need your memories.

I frown. If he says that he wants to figure me out, he thinks my ability at legilimency is linked to my past, then. That's why he would need my memories.

- My memories from when?
- I would need a bit of everything from your life. To understand more properly.

I consider the pros and cons. I trust Dumbledore entirely but it's a pretty big thing to ask. I purse my lips before asking:

- Can some things be...left out?
- Absolutely. If you concentrate your mind on things that you don't want me to access, I won't be able to take the memory.
- And if you do, take my memories; what would you do with it.

I ask, with my eyebrows raised. It's a pretty fair question if you ask me. I know that he will most likely watch it in the pensieve but if he is obviously needing to show it to someone...otherwise he would've just asked me to show him.

- I will watch it with your cousin a little later tonight.
- With Harry?
- I believe there are something he knows that might help.

I nod. I have made my decision.

- Sir, I only have one last question.
- Yes?

I look up to him, trying to hide a smile.

- Do you want me to leave our lessons in or out of my memories?



I knock on Dumbledore's wooden door. After a few seconds, I open it and see that Dumbledore is already at the pensieve. So, we are going to see memories tonight, huh?

- Good evening, Professor.
- Evening, Harry.
- What are we watching?

He goes up to his desk and picks up a vial. I frown. Usually, they are put away in a cabinet. Either Dumbledore has just watched it or that the memory is so fresh that he didn't have the time to put it in the cabinet.

- This.
- Who's memory is it?
- Eleanor Potter's.
- El, my cousin?

He nods. Dumbledore took my cousin's memories? She must have let him. I figure that the memories must be fresh then, cause I saw Eleanor leaving the common room earlier and she wouldn't tell me where she was going.

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