Chapter 29: The end of the year

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I lay in bed, wondering if sleep will ever reach me. I'm pretty sure everybody is asleep. I'm sleeping in Fred and George's old room, for now. I don't think it bothers them since they have moved over to the flat above their joke shop. I look forward to seeing them there.

After sending letters back and forth with Dumbledore, he agreed to let me stay at the Burrow instead of sending me back to Mother Mary's orphanage. I'm grateful for that. Hermione went back to her parents and even Harry was forced back to the Dursley's but I could stay here.

I don't know if it is because I have just lost somebody that Dumbledore did this, but it would seem rather odd. I mean, Harry lost his godfather, hasn't he? And the headmaster is surely not letting him stay elsewhere than the Dursley's.

With this in mind, I sit up straight in my bed, brushing my hair down. I should probably cut it, it's getting pretty long. Other than that, a strange atmosphere is in the usually cheery household. It's like we all have witnessed something we weren't supposed to see. This kind of cruelty, this far are the death eaters willing to go to get what they want? How much blood has to be spilled so that they get what they want?

Voldemort is back. Not that we didn't know it, it's just that now, the wizarding world cannot deny it anymore. We are in danger everywhere we go. Since the attack at the ministry, the dark lord has gotten busy. The muggle government has already taken notice of many disappearances, all muggles. There is no telling when he will move to the muggle-borns.

Mione has told me that it left her scarred, to see me tortured and almost murdered. She says that sometimes, she has nightmares and can even hear me screaming. I tried to comfort her the best I could when she confessed, but it was obvious that I didn't know how to respond.

I mean, what am I suppose to do? Tell her that it won't ever happen again? That I'm fine and I will be fine? Cause it will probably happen again. We are entering a war. This is what we signed up for, in the DA. What we said we wanted to defeat. That was it, at the ministry. She saw them and what? Did some part of it didn't live up to her expectations? There is a reason they are called DARK arts after all.

There is a reason that they are so powerful. They don't care about killing people. Somebody bothers them, they kill him. That's how they work, that's how they gain their power and hold on to it. We refuse to kill innocent people. That's the difference. If they want information, they go to an innocent person in the street and torture him until they have an answer. If after that, they don't, then start again with another one. That way they will eventually have an answer.

We refuse to do that. It means we won't get the answer as quickly, or as accurately. But if it's the price to pay for less deaths, then I'm okay with it.

And if I would've been to say to Hermione that I'm fine, I would've been lying. I'm nowhere near fine at the moment. I'm struggling through Theo's death and trying to fight back the memories of the pain inflicted to me. It's weird how I was able to keep Snape away from my thoughts, using occlumency, but I am not able to keep my own memories away.

I start thinking about occlumency. Now that I'm aware of the faint little bond that I can share with Harry and Voldemort, I should probably protect my mind more often. I decide that tonight, it's not like I have anything better to do.

I close my eyes. I do not let myself succumb to the temptation of looking through my friend's minds, I simply focus on one thing, a shield. I imagine a wall, thinner than the one I built in the forbidden forest, but even harder to break. I imagine it like a bubble, that you can shape and move around, but that never leaves you. That was the loophole, the mistake I had made last time. Protecting me only from one side.

I mold the protective barrier until it is big enough so that my thoughts can run freely through this new headspace. Once I'm finished, I open my eyes and rejoin the reality.

When I do, I hear a creaking sound of old wooden panels. I look at the door to see a teenager, with bright ginger hair coming through the door. Ginny. She whispers:

- Are you awake?
- Yeah.

I answer in a low voice, to be sure that no one hears us at this hour into the night. She walks over to me and sits on the other side of my bed. She raises her wand into the air and murmurs:

- Lumos.

The tip of the wand lights up, rather soothingly. She grins to me and I give her a feeble smile. Even though weeks have gone by since we arrived from the ministry, I still cannot smile properly; And despite all of their best tries, George and Fred still haven't been able to make me laugh. Gin continues:

- So, how are you? We haven't been able to talk, in the last part of the school year...ya know, you had your O.W.L.S. and things like that. By the way, Mum says the results will not come until august, in case you were wondering.

I nod. I had forgotten about those. It's weird that I forgot seeing as I had put so much effort into studying. It must be a side effect of grief. Forgetting what you used to believe in.

I believed that good grades would allow me to have a good job and then, later on, a good life. It seems everything has been put in perspective. How good is a life ruled by the dark lord? I figure now, that what matters is fighting and keeping those that I love safe. Whatever the job I may have in the future.

- I'm

I meant to say good, I wanted to say it but it appears that I can't lie as well as I used to anymore. So instead, I just said the only truth that came to my mind. I'm safe, I guess. I have that, at least.

Ginny nods, not understanding the meaning of my statement but not pushing me to say anything else. I look through the window.

- But how are you?
- I'm, still in shock, to be honest. It's a lot to take in. I mean, we lost Sirius - I'm sorry about Nott, by the way - and you almost got killed. I don't know how we would've reacted.

Me neither. She gropes for my hand in the darkness. Even though her wand is still producing light, we can't really see anything. When she finds it, she squeezes it hard and I squeeze it back. I have always felt like Ginny was a very strong girl and in these times, I feel like that's when the rest of the world will get to see it too.

- But I'll get over it. You're starting your sixth year soon! It's supposed to be totally awesome. Even though I know you feel like crap, which you shouldn't, by the way, because you are the coolest girl in the whole wide world, I'm sure going back to Hogwarts will help you.

- I hope so.

And maybe it will. It's like my home. Actually, wherever my friends are is my home. Like in the muggle sayings; home is where the heart is. And my heart is with them.

- I hope so but I'm also trying to think about other things than the ministry and all. Like, maybe, trying out for the Gryffindor's quidditch team.
- Sounds like music to my ears! Mione never wanted to do it! She's not the best with a broom though...and actually, I doubt she would have gotten in. Don't tell her I said that!

I laugh and then my eyes widen.

I laughed.

Ginny looks just as surprised. I guess I just needed time then, to properly heal. It's not done but I laughed, that's a start! My heart fills up with gratitude for my friend.

- Thank you, Gin.
- Yeah no problem. But first thing tomorrow, we'll start training you, using the brooms that are in the cellar and...

Oh god, I've created a monster haven't I?

And that's the end of Eleanor's fifth year! I hope you liked it and I hope you'll continue to read because the sixth year is coming. You don't want to miss it because I'm telling you, it's something!

Also, I would like to say that I know that the fifth year wasn't that faithful to the book, I am aware, don't worry. The sixth year, on the other hand, will be much more true to the original book.

Lastly, I put in some little references for my starkid and AVPM readers...feel free to comment when you found them😉

Goodbye Potterheads!

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