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"Wow, so you're brother actually made this next video on Velkhana?" Ruby asked.

"Yep. No one else was doing my baby justice, so he decided to." Katana said while petting Glacies.

"So, is he closer to Strawfoot or Rage?" Yang asked.

"Well... You'll see what you watch." Katana said.

A hunter in a strange outfit giving him the look on some aquatic assassin was on the back of a Velkhana, stabbing it in the back repeatedly in an attempt to bring it down. "Hm... I wonder if anyone's made a lore on Velkhana?" He wondered. Suddenly, a YouTube search was shown, revealing that there was indeed no videos to inform people on the Iceborne Wyvern. "Wait, seriously? There's no lore on like, one of the most important in history here?" He questioned.

"How? Surely, a creature of such importance should be widely known about and greatly discussed." Glynda said.

"Agreed. Not spreading the information on such creatures is completely asinine." Ironwood agreed.

"Right. Surely, this knowledge would be widespread and sought after. If only just for the basics to prepare if you encounter one." Winter added.

"Well, sadly, I guess no one wanted to take the time before my brother." Katana said with a shrug.

Suddenly, a massive gauntlet was front and center in a vault, someone walking up to claim it. "Fine. I'll do it myself." A deep-voiced man said as he put the gauntlet on, his face never being shown.

"W-what was that?" Ruby said fearfully.

"He only said one thing, but I got the biggest sense of danger I've ever felt from him." Blake said.

"I can't tell you that now. But you will know his name eventually." Katana told them dramatically.

Suddenly, a Velkhana dove out of the sky and pulled up, holding itself in the air above the previously seen hunter, along with a fair skinned girl around Winter's age and an older tan woman. "Velkhana. The Iceborne Wyvern. An Elder Dragon as elegant and beautiful as it is powerful and terrifying." Sai declared. "Capable of freezing creatures completely solid. It was once thought that a Velkhana was the cause of the strange happenings in the New World, shortly after the completion of the Elder Crossing Investigation." He explained as the girl noticed the crystal in her hand was similar to the scales on Velkhana's chest. The dragon then shot a beam of ice out of its mouth, freezing a couple of small flying creatures solid in an instant, before it flew off.

"Strange happenings? Like what?" Yang asked.

"I'm sure he's going to explain." Weiss told her.

"That's your first concern, not that it just froze those things solid!?" Nora demanded.

"The freezing temperature that would require would have to be around liquid nitrogen levels of freezing!" Penny said in shock.

"And we used to think Atlas was cold." Cinder said, subconsciously making a fireball in her hands to warm herself from the cold she was imagining.

"What was with that weird cut back to when he introduced it, though?" Qrow asked.

"He said the wrong name, so he messed with it in editing. Whenever something like that happens, assume he messed up and edited to cover it." Katana said.

Velkhana was then shown to have been downed, but got back up in a cloud of mist. "It appeared to have chased a massive flock of Legiana out of their natural home in the Coral Highlands and then even beyond, into the Ancient Forest and then to an entirely new landmass." Sai explained, before the Velkhana dispersed it with a flap of its wings, freezing the ground around the two of them, revealed to have a strange ice armor as it glared at Sai, appearing to challenge him.

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