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A/N: Thanks as always for my good friend qazse for help with reactions!

"So, Neo's monster, huh? I guess it's gonna be a little thief, then?" Emerald asked.

"Hey, you're not so innocent yourself! Mercury told me about you pickpocketing that poor old shopkeep!" Neo countered.

"Well, it is definitely one of the smallest monsters we've covered so far. MAYBE smaller than Kirin, but it's close. Still, it's definitely got some tricks up it's sleeve to make up for its small size." Katana explained.

"That definitely sounds like Neo." Yang said, ruffling the former mute's hair.

"Well, let's see it, then." Cinder said.

"Yeah! I wanna see some more monsters!" Ruby cheered.

"Alright. But anyone who is afraid of bugs... You may want to prepare yourself." Katana warned, causing Ruby, the Schnee sisters, Jaune and Emerald to gulp and cuddle up to their cuddling partner.

The screen was black before clearing up to show a red-bodied praying mantis with a black head and legs. "The mantids as fascinating as they are deadly. Over two thousand species making up some of nature's most finely honed killers. With a strike speed so quick, you can quite literally blink and miss it. The only insect able to turn its head, they punch well above their weight class, taking small birds and mammals as prey." Rage spoke in an ominous, echoing voice as several more of these insects were seen, several clips even showing these small, brilliantly colored creatures fighting each other.

"I always did have a respect for mantids. One of them even tried to get me once in my corvid form. It didn't work out for him." Qrow said.

"The red and black on their bodies are stunning." Ren admitted.

"They're just colors that work good together. Not much else to say. That's how Ruby and I pull it off so easy." Cinder gloated.

"They're bugs! They're disgusting!" Weiss cried out.

"It is very lucky, then, that they are so small in stature and non-threa..." Rage started to continue, before the scenes of the small red and black mantids dissolved away to some form of desert ruins, where a massive golden mantis with large, menacing, glowing pink eyes stood, its sickle-like claws outstretched and ready for combat, letting out a screech as its name was shown beside it in Kanji. "Threatening... Oh... OH!" He cried out, before breaking down into screams, apparently running away from his microphone, based on the sound of running footsteps, then finally the sound of a door shutting.

"Golden Mantis! That's so cool!" Nora cried out excitedly.

"MINE." Neo said immediately, looking in awe at the creature.

"Yeah. Looks like Rage doesn't think so, though." Yang said with a smirk, trying not to laugh at the host's cowardice.

"I don't know, Yang. There's apparently a kind of mantis Grimm in Mistral called the Wa-Lang around that size that's considered one of the deadliest small Grimm on Remnant." Blake warned her partner. [1]

"So, let's see how similar this one is." Emerald said.

A test screen was then shown, before a hunter was shown charging towards the giant mantis. "Say hello, then, to Ahtal-Ka!" Rage properly introduced the beast as it was shown in its battle-ready stance again, letting out another shriek. "The Golden Mantis!" He declared as its music was then heard as the hunter charged in at her, readying to swing his greatsword, but another shriek from the beast stopped him, forcing him to cover his ears, before recovering and reengaging the beast, rolling forward and delivering a powerful horizontal slash.

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