The Amphibians

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"I still can't believe you're giving my sister a brutish shark for a monster." Weiss huffed.

"I'm rather pleased with the choice, Weiss. Sharks are very efficient creatures. And far from the brutes you're painting them out to be." Winter told her sister.

"It's true, Weiss. Even if our world didn't have Grimm, sharks would still be FAR from the most dangerous creatures in our world. And there's even been reports of sharks saving swimmers, boarders and small boats from the Grimm. Granted, they were most likely trying to make a meal of the Grimm or defending their territory rather than actually saving people, but the point stands." Pyrrha said.

"Yep. I've been swimming in shark infested waters before and never got bit. And that's coming from a girl who got struck by a lightning bolt! That's bad luck!" Nora said. [1]

"And they're freaking awesome! Let's see the episode already!" Yang cheered.

"You don't have to tell me twice." Katana said, starting the episode.

A cartoon opening was shown with a bunch of very muscular humanoid sharks breaking through a wall. The intro song played as the man-sharks were moving through concrete like they were swimming through it, then bursting out like some sharks breach out of the water, then driving around on large motorcycles, all the while having the image of a shark-like monster superimposed over their faces, except for the last scene, which had a large toad-like monster superimposed over it.

"What... Was that?" Glynda asked, unsure of how to react.

"That was the opening from an old cartoon called street sharks." Katana told her.

"Any good?" Jaune asked.

"I don't know. I never saw any of it. My siblings and I were more Ninja Turtles kids." She explained.

"Hello, fellow hunters! Today is for the amphibians... or specifically, since there's only two of the blighters, the frog and the shark." Rage declared, showing the image of a large, somewhat intimidating orange and blue frog creature leaping forward with massive jaws wide open, then s shark with frog-like legs, covered in spikes in a defensive-looking position. "I Admit, this is a 'one of these things is not like the other' situation, but I don't make the rules here, that's how they evolved. And hey, frogs can be intimidating!" Rage insisted as a strange, somewhat off-putting desert shark was shown with intimidating music playing, but it was all ruined when it let out adorable squeaking noises.

"Awwwww!" All of the girls gushed all together, even Cinder, Winter and Glynda, adoring the sight of the tiny amphibian.

"It's so cuuuute!" Ruby said.

"And the noise it makes is even cuter!" Cinder said with hearts in her eyes.

"Second only to King's 'Squeak of Rage'." Katana agreed.

"Very intimidating." Ironwood said sarcastically.

"Yeah. I'm shaking in my boots over here!" Qrow chuckled.

Rage laughed at this. "Aww! I wanna pop it!" He declared giddily as a squishing noise was heard.

"Don't you DARE!" Weiss shouted at the screen.

"I will do everything in my power to cross between dimensions and throttle that man if he brings any harm to that tiny, innocent, adorable creature!" Glynda declared, her crop glowing with energy, which extended beyond it to almost look like a purple lightsaber.

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