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A/N: Thanks again to qazse for help with reactions.

"Yes! I can't wait to see uncle Qrow's monster!" Ruby cheered.

"Oh, yeah! I'm sure it's gonna be just as awesome as you, uncle Qrow!" Yang said, smiling at her uncle.

"A lot of those missions I've been on would've been a lot easier with some back up. And ever since Katana got rid of that damn bad luck semblance for me, I've been thinking of getting a pet." Qrow admitted.

"It will definitely be good for you to have a partner out there watching your back." Ironwood agreed.

"You've certainly earned it, Qrow. Out of all my allies through all my reincarnations, you've been one of the most loyal and reliable I could have asked for." Ozpin added.

"Yes, you've proven yourself quite reliable and a good friend. At least when you're sober." Glynda stated.

"Alright, then! Without further ado! I hope you're a dog lover, Qrow, because it's time to introduce you all to the muscle puppy!" Katana declared, playing the episode.

The evening sun was shown as clouds moved across the now orange sky, before a forest was shown and Oceaniz began to speak. "Life finds a way. This saying is engrained into our culture and society, yet rarely do we take pause to appreciate and marvel at just how true it is. Be it the blistering heat of underwater volcanoes, or the freezing winds of the icy tundra's, life is ever-present with unflinching, unstoppable desire to live and to exist drives many creatures to drastic, impressive measures in order to brave the harshest environments known to man." He spoke sagely as a rock shelf slowly formed by lava from an underwater volcano was shown, before changing to the harsh and barren frozen forests, then finally to a seagull flying gracefully through the air.

"Underwater volcanoes are so cool!" Emerald said excitedly. Strange and seemingly impossible things in nature always astounded her. That's one of the prospects she thought would be most interesting when Cinder gained the Maiden powers.

"It is pretty beautiful. Almost paradoxical. A volcano and lava out in the open underwater. How does it not all just harden into rock?" Blake wondered. She then felt something on her shoulder and looked to see Neo had fallen. "Uh, Yang? I think this is yours." She said, moving Neo to lean against Yang.

"She'll wake up when we see the muscle puppy or whatever Katana called it." Emerald said, used to it from Neo always passing out when she tried to watch a documentary.

Next, a sturgeon was shown beneath the water once again before the host continued. "This remains true even for an ecosystem fueled by the antithesis of life, death. Even in the putrid depths of the dead waste, life springs forth, a paradoxical turn in nature's story. And some creatures strive in environments like these and develop into fantastical testaments of life's tenacity." Oceaniz declared as a whale shark cruised through the ocean, close to the surface, before a snake wa shown slithering across a large, hole-filled stick in the desert, then showing a view of the blue sky, higher even than the clouds, before the beauty of space was seen to complete the intro.

Ren and Nora smiled at this. They knew just how powerful the drive to survive was. "Yeah. That tenacity saved our butts a few times." Nora said with a giggle.

"A bit more than a few. But we grew stronger because of all those experiences. And we did it together." Ren told her, to which she smiled and they placed their foreheads against each other.

"Young love." Winter said with a smile. She remembered having a few interested parties back in the academy, but she was always too focused on her studies.

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