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"Is there any chance I can talk you out of playing the wolf monster lore?" Blake asked.

"Is there any chance you'd let Zwei sit with you the entire rest of the viewings?" Katana questioned back.

"No." She admitted.

"Alright, then." Katana said.

"A wolf would've been my second choice of things for Oz to turn me into." Qrow said.

"But then you wouldn't be able to fly across kingdoms." Ozpin reminded him.

A strange large bird was shown grazing in the woods, when it suddenly raised its head and looked around. Suddenly, the massive figure of a quadrupedal creature lumbered through the forest with an epic song playing behind it for a bit. It then cut back to the herbivores of the forest, who were scrambling to get away with screams playing as they dashed back and forth frantically to escape. A bit more of the creature was shown, the song once again accompanying it as strange bugs were seen flying around it. More screaming and running from the herbivores was then shown. They even ran past a bear-like creature that was busy eating honey from a beehive, not caring what they were running from, until it dropped the beehive. It went to retrieve it, but then noticed the wolf creature and ran for its life, the wolf creature instead stomping down on the hive and roaring proudly as it reached a clearing, the bugs spiraling all around it as it brought its paw down on the screen with a squishing sound effect, the song playing all the while.

"Dang. I know it's a big monster, but it must be real nasty if everything runs from it like that." Jaune said.

"It's clearly a predator and a very large one at that. It only makes sense to flee from a creature that could devour you with little to no effort." Winter explained.

"It definitely looks like things should be running from it, though." Neo declared.

"It's a shame that bear didn't get to finish its honey." Pyrrha said sympathetically.

"I liked the song that was playing during this, though. Qrow, did you happen to listen to that one?" Ironwood asked.

"Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran. Gotta give you credit, you got a good ear for music, James." Qrow admitted, the two sharing a rare fist bump... with Ironwood's human hand this time. Qrow wouldn't be making that mistake again.

"Oh yes, fellow hunters, welcome. Can you feel it in the air? The potential? The crackle? The tingle on your skin? Well, it's time, finally, for everyone's favorite thunder puppy. Meet, then, Zinogre." Rage declared as an intimidating mountain region was shown at night during a thunderstorm, rugged mountain terrain and dead trees was all that could be seen, before Zinogre suddenly stomped onto the scene. A female hunter was then shown making her way through the area, reacting to some falling rocks, then turning to see the mighty beast glaring down at her from a high up peak, before pouncing down at her. "Named after an ogre, of course, because he's as ugly as one." Rage insulted the mighty beast, before a clip was shown of a number of guys were shown cheering super loud as if they were cheering about an epic burn.

"Aww, don't be mean to the thunder puppy!" Nora said with a pout.

"Yeah! I think he looks cool!" Ruby agreed.

"With that bulk and all those spikes, I'd say it looks pretty fierce and intimidating." Cinder said approvingly.

"And that fur looks sick. Almost as awesome as my hair." Yang added, running a hair through her flowing locks.

"Oh, please. That mane is far more refined than your unkempt mess." Weiss said. Yang glared at her, lilac eyes turning deep red. She made a mental note for later to ensure Weiss would not be sitting comfortably until graduating from Beacon.

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