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A/N: Hello, everyone! Just answering a couple reviews before this chapter. Side note: for guests that leave reviews with big or important questions, just make an actual profile already so I can directly answer you...

Guest (Chapter 6): Uh, for the record, that was a Velociprey not a Velocidrome.

For anyone confused, they're referring to the raptor that goes straight up murdered by Astalos. No, it was a Velocidrome. You can tell by the large red claws on its hands and feet.

chaosb91: just to ask but since the beginning of this story was "supposedly" happening between marvel movies, which movies and is this all in one sitting or like every 3 or 4 monsters have another hero movie? also with Nora getting both lightning pony and adopted as thor kid is there a chance for a new hybrid between kirin and Odin's horse sleipnir, for a BAD attempt at a new subspecies name/pun the valkirin.

This story is taking place on the day after the first day they arrived, where they watched up to Captain America: The First Avenger. Glynda planned for them to have a break day from movies, where they train and do homework, but Katana showed them these lore videos instead. So, they have a day for watching the MCU, then a day for watching MH lores. As for the Kirin subspecies... No. Just no.

Pervy age: Give Penny the Equal Dragon Weapon so everyone can vomit...

You are a sick person... That's all I have to say.

Alright, then! Everybody caught up and understand everything!? Good. Let's continue.

"Aww, yeah! Team RWBY's monster menagerie is about to be complete!" Ruby cheered.

"Menagerie. Impressive vocabulary, Ruby." Weiss praised her young leader.

"Yep. And especially because the new monster is going to the princess of Menagerie! Excited, your highness?" Yang teased.

"Yang, cut it out! You know I don't like being treated like a princess..." Blake said, blushing.

"Princess?!" Neo asked, leaping onto Blake's lap, laying up against her. "Have I ever told you I was an activist for Faunus rights, too?" She asked, clearly trying to earn brownie points. Blake's response was to simply push her off, causing her to land in Velvet's lap instead.

"I think it's probably gonna take more than that, Neo. Especially since you work with Torchwick, who is very racist towards Faunus." Velvet told her.

"So, it's a fast cat, just like Blake..." Jaune said, trying to guess based on other monsters they'd heard of before.

"Is it Nargacuga? It looked rather cat-like." Pyrrha guessed.

"Correct, Pyrrha! I can see why she was one of Beacon's top students." Katana said.

"She is indeed. I consider all the students here, plus the rest of team CFVY to be the pride of Beacon." Ozpin declared.

"They've had varying levels of success, but they've since more than earned their spots here." Glynda agreed.

"Th-thank you, professors." Ruby said, blushing madly and tearing up a bit, along with the other students.

"Okay, very nice words, but now let's get on with it." Katana declared.

A silver-haired hunter in little to no armor was seen in a jungle-like area as Rage spoke eerily, accompanied by rather ominous music. "Picture the scene: You're lost in the forest, split up from your group. The trees foreboding and ever so similar. The humidity choking, clawing at your throat. Your eyes scan the thick foliage... a shadow, maybe? A presence, a little flittering of movement? You can't be sure, it could be the daze that you're in, the fear of never being found again. You step forward once more and..." Rage verbally painted a horrifying picture, before the sound of a twig snapping was heard.

RWBY's Monstrous EducationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora