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A/N: Thanks as always to my friend qazse for help with reactions!

Everything started out dark before Rage spoke. "The flagship of the Frontier... An armor-plated rose in dragon form..." He began as a green Flying Wyvern similar to Rathian was shown, but with countless giant red spikes all over its body. It was then hit with an explosive blast, turning to face a group of hunters running at it. "Dripping with noxious poison... And with the unparalleled power! OF! SLEEP!" Rage declared as the creature roared at the hunters, before it was suddenly shown sleeping with a lullaby playing in the background.

The teens were already on the edge of their seats at this. "I don't know what this thins is yet, but it already sounds awesome." Nora said.

"I know, right? An armored rose? I have GOT to get one of them!" Ruby exclaimed eagerly.

Then they saw the beast and, while they weren't disappointed, they didn't find it greatly wowing, either. "Eh. It kind of looks like a Rathian. Just WAY spikier." Coco pointed out.

"And it's poisonous? It really does just sound like another Rathian or Rathalos." Emerald agreed.

"Still, a poisonous dragon is never boring. I mean, look at those spikes! Those would mess ANYONE'S day up." Neo said.

But, as Rage spoke of unparalleled power, they started getting excited once again, only for it to get immediately ruined when they saw the monster sleeping. "OH, COME ON!" All the teens shouted at once.

"I am getting REAL sick of Rage trolling us like that. Seriously, trolls always think they're funny, but they're really not." Ilia growled, turning red and yellow in anger.

"Aww, lighten up, Ilia. I think it looks kind of cute when it's sleeping." Ruby cooed a little, along with her mother and Velvet.

"Right? It looks so calm and peaceful right now. How many monsters can you really say look that cute in their sleep?" Velvet asked.

"And with that lullaby music in the background, I'd almost believe I was looking at a cute little kitten and not a dragon absolutely covered in spikes." Summer said sweetly.

Suddenly, everything went black again. "Seriously, this monster will literally try and kill you in its sleep. And that's actually really cool." Rage admitted with an echo to his voice.

However, upon hearing this knowledge, the sound of a record scratching could be heard as the adults did a double-take at this news. "Did he just say what I think he said?" Glynda asked, clearing out her ears just to be certain.

"That this monster will try to kill you in its sleep? Yes. I heard that quite clear. And I'm absolutely baffled and terrified as to how that's possible." Ironwood said, clearly shaken by this news.

Then, some of the teens and less mature adults began snickering. "Maybe it sleepwalks. And has the occasional hunter as a midnight snack. There is such a thing as sleep eating, Jimmy." Qrow said with a smirk, earning a laugh from those who had been snickering.

"Actually, if that is what really happens, should we even try to fight it if we see it sleeping? I mean, everyone has heard that rule, right? That you should never wake up a sleepwalker, because they could freak out and attack you, or just fall down and hurt themselves." Jaune pointed out.

Many paused and stopped to think at this. "Huh. Good point, Vomit Boy. Rage did say it's dripping with poison, so I'm guessing any contact would probably leave you poisoned, so if it freaked out and fell down, someone could get seriously hurt." Yang said.

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