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Word to memorize for this chapter: Theropod. Theropoda or theropods are a dinosaur clade that is characterized by hollow bones and three-toed limbs. They are generally classed as a group of saurischian dinosaurs. Theropods were ancestrally carnivorous, although a number of theropod groups evolved to become herbivores, omnivores, piscivores and insectivores. So, basically, Brute Wyverns.

"This is gonna be awesome! A dragon that punches just like me! This will be so awesome! I know what my pet will be if Katana gives us our own dragons!" Yang said.

"Actually, there's a more fitting one for you, but that's for later. Still, this would be the second best choice." Katana said.

"Show us already!" The more excitable of the group said (Ruby, Yang, Jaune, Nora, Neo). Even the general had thought about shouting that out as well, eager to see what these creatures could do if properly trained.

Darkness gave way to show a volcanic landscape, the ground rocky and scorched black, red light mainly coming from lava, with a volcano in the background as the view descended on a group of strangely humanoid cats scattered about the landscape, one right up front, apparently digging for ores.

"Aww, they're so cute!" Ruby said.

"That's the last place I'd expect to see a bunch of cats, though." Cinder said.

"What do you think, Blake-y? Look nice to you?" Yang teased.

"I think being there would be a death sentence without aura to protect you from the heat. And even then, a volcano's erupting, shooting ash into the air. You'd breath that in and... bad things would happen." Blake informed them, not wanting to traumatize Ruby... and probably Nora and Jaune. "The cats do interest me, though." Blake admitted.

"They're known as Felynes. A member of the Lynian classification of animals. They live as mostly nomadic people, trading with humans, sometimes living beside them and on occasion, even fighting alongside hunters. So they're good kitties. Unless you make them mad, then they could be as bad as any small monster." Katana explained.

"What makes them mad?" Ironwood asked.

"Attacking them, or any other Lynian. Even the Melynx, which attack and snatch items from hunters." Katana explained.

"So cat versions of Neo?" Pyrrha asked, Neo pouting at the description. "I'm sorry!" She said.

"No fair! The Melynx started it." Nora complained.

"Hey, Felynes stick up for their own." Katana said with a shrug.

Suddenly, an echoing voice could be heard. "Imagine some mold. Now imagine if that mold reproduces by literally exploding to release its spores in the air." It said. Just then, an explosion went off just behind the Felyne.

This revealed a massive bipedal dinosaur-like monster with glowing green horns and "fists," as well as a shiny, armored hide covered in many plates and ridges that was made of obsidian and a pair of long, highly developed forelimbs, likely used as its primary means of defense. These forelimbs and horn seemed to secrete a mysterious slime that appeared to be what the glowing green substance on them was.

"Wow, that's cool! It's like a T-Rex, but with arms that can actually, do stuff!" Jaune said, amazed.

"Actually, Mr. Arc, despite their size, the T-Rex's arms were quite powerful. They're meant for slashing prey and opponents, which makes their short length beneficial, as they were able to strike rapidly." Glynda said, amazing the students.

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