Kushala Daora

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"Kushala Daora. That one's a mouthful." Qrow said.

"Okay then, how about Kush for a shorter name?" Ruby suggested.

"No!" All of the adults, plus Ruby's team and even Cinder shouted at once, making Ruby jump a bit from the sudden reaction.

"I will say, though, it does look quite majestic and powerful. Perhaps I would've won my duel with Salem if I had that on my side." Ozpin noted.

"Only one way to find out, I suppose." Ironwood stated.

"I am rather impressed, though. If I were to think of the word 'dragon', this creature is what would come to mind." Winter stated.

"So let's stop talking about it and start hearing about it!" Yang declared, Katana nodding and playing the video.

The video opened to a rather dire scene of a young woman holding her dog outside with intense winds blowing and a tornado visible in the background, as well as an image of the Kushala Daora flying around in the background, stomping and yelling to a cellar where her family was likely taking cover. She decided this was futile and ran back inside. However, no sooner than she entered the house, the windows and their frames were knocked inward and smacked her in the back of the head, causing her to fall onto the bed, unconscious, everything going black.

Everyone was quite surprised at this opening and winced when the girl was knocked out. "Ouch." Emerald said sympathetically.

"Well, sucks to be her." Coco said.

"Perhaps a bit more tact, Coco? She could have a serious concussion, or some other form of injury." Ren told her.

"So, that dragon's strong enough to fly around in a tornado? That's pretty impressive." Blake praised.

"I have a feeling it's doing more than simply flying in the tornado." Pyrrha stated.

A frozen mountain peak was then shown as Rage began to speak. "Hello then, fellow hunters! Today we talk the Steel Dragon, Kushala Daora. The lord of the winds, he is one hell of a specimen: clad in steel armor, shimmering from head to toe, it's exactly as tough as it looks and it weighs a bloody ton. But armed with one of the largest pairs of wings of all monsters, he powers effortlessly through the air, chasing storms wherever they go, appearing in a flash and causing carnage in his wake!" Rage declared as the dragon was eventually shown walking proudly and confidently across the mountain peak, before looking around as it sensed danger, turning and finding what it deemed to be the source of the danger and letting out a menacing roar.

"An ACTUAL metal dragon!? That's so cool!" Ruby said.

"And it can still fly. That's one tough lizard." Yang agreed.

Penny was in disbelief at this. "B-but that would be impossible! The sheer weight of its metal body should be too great to allow it to get any form of substantial lift to fly into the air, let along keep itself there! It's impossible! Does not compute!" Penny said, short-circuiting.

"Penny?!" The Atlesians shouted.

"What do we do!?" Weiss asked.

"Maybe we need to turn her off and on again! Jaune! Take off your shirt!" Ruby instructed, pulling off Jaune's hoodie to reveal his rather plain body underneath. Penny's eyes seemed to darken at this. "Now you, Weiss!" Ruby cried out, lifting her partner's shirt to reveal her bra-covered chest. Small as it was, it seemed to do the trick and Penny returned to normal.

"Salutations!" She greeted.

"It worked!" Ruby cried triumphantly.

"But most importantly... He's got an adorable little bronze-tipped nose!" Rage gushed as a close-up on Kushala's face did indeed show its nose was bronze, making it look rather cute despite being a terrifying Elder Dragon, especially when accompanied with Rage's version of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

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