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A/N: Thanks once again to my brother Sai Kunai Blade for making the video and sending me the script and thanks to qazse for helping with reactions!

Sai was standing in Seliana, conversing with the Excitable A-Lister. "Oh man, Aiden. We've been through a lot together. That fight with Fatalis was crazy wasn't it? Sometimes I still can't believe we made it out of that one alive." Sai reminisced with his fellow hunter.

Upon hearing the infamous dragon mentioned once again, Yang groaned. "Ugh! More hearing about it without seeing it! Are we EVER gonna hear about it?" The blonde brawler complained.

"Patience, Yang. You'll learn about it eventually." Katana assured her.

"But trust me. Your gonna see why Fatalis earned the right to be called a god." Razara warned them.

"Or at least an older version of it." Tekko said with a shrug.

And Aiden clearly agreed with his sentiment. "I know, right? When I got caught in that supernova I pushed you out of the way of, I thought I was finished." He added to the shared memory.

Sai chuckled at this. "I know, man. You saved my life. I had my doubts sometimes if you really were an A-List hunter, because it seems like you always showed up after I already killed the monster, but no. No, you definitely earned a spot here. Not like the Fiver Bro." Sai praised his comrade while dissing the lazy glutton in Astera.

Aiden laughed at the jab as well, equally fed up with the bulky hunter's refusal to work. "Yeah, but that's why they call you the Sapphire Star. You always deal with the monsters before we get there. Sometimes I was afraid you'd put the rest of us out of work! You're gnarlycuga!" He admitted.

Sai groaned at the pun. "But, are you sure Fatalis didn't fry the humor part of your brain? Something must be really wrong if you're resorting to puns!" He jabbed at his friend's sense of humor.

Blake rolled her eyes at this. "Gnarlycuga? Seriously? He's butchering monster names." She said in annoyance.

"Oh, come on, Blake! That was pretty clever." Yang defended.

"Yeah. And that could be a way of making the monsters less scary, by making fun of their names." Neo added.

"Not the worst idea I've ever heard, I suppose." Ozpin admitted.

Aiden let out a gasp of mock offense at this. "My puns are awesome! They totally kick Lun-Ass-stra!" He defended his choice of humor, then sighed. "Still, when we were staring that thing down in Schrade, I almost thought I was gonna puke, eh?" He admitted.

Sai then began to ponder something at this. "Puke, eh? That sounds like Pukei-Pukei. That gives me an idea for my next lore video!" The so-called Sapphire Star declared.

The sound of crickets chirping could then be heard. "You know this has to be your weakest intro to a lore video so far, right?" Aiden asked, clearly unimpressed with Sai's forceful set up.

Sai looked down in defeat at this. "I'm well aware." He assured his fellow hunter.

Realizing that this whole conversation was to set up the video, the group couldn't help but sweatdrop. "Yeah, I gotta admit, even Rage's lamest setups still beat that one." Coco called out the intro.

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