Yama Tsukami

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A/N: Thanks to qazse for help with reactions!

Strange ruins of a temple in the mountains were shown, before a shadow was seen passing over them. Then suddenly, a clip from a black and white movie was shown where a bunch of people were crowded together with one pointing to the sky. "Look! Up in the sky!" He declared.

"It's a bird!" Another man cried out.

"It's a plane!" A woman shouted.

"It's-" The first man began.

Suddenly, it cut back to the original scene as a creature with tentacles slowly descended into view. "Tentacles!" Rage declared as the creature was revealed to be what looked like a strange hybrid of a balloon and an octopus as it soared through the sky, accompanied by a chorus singing the word tentacles.

Most of the group was left speechless at the first sight of the creature. "...What am I looking at?" Ironwood asked.

"It looks like a giant, flying moss ball with tentacles." Qrow said.

"But how in the world can it be flying in such a way?!" Glynda questioned in disbelief.

"I suppose we'll simply have to wait to find out. But, I must say, it's certainly got me curious." Ozpin said, almost thinking some kind of magic was at work.

Surprisingly, Winter quite liked Yama Tsukami, finding it a similar kind of creepy, yet charming as Khezu. "Well, it certainly seems... quirky, if nothing else." Winter said, trying to hide any further feelings.

"It's adorable!" Ruby cried.

Summer placed a hand on Ruby's forehead and created a thermometer out of thin air, putting it in Ruby's mouth. "Sweetie, are you feeling alright? You don't have a fever, do you?" She asked, ignoring Ruby's struggling.

"It's official. You have hands down the weirdest standards in what you think is cute and adorable!" Weiss yelled at her leader like she was crazy.

"Don't judge me. I happen to think Yama is kinda adorable, in an odd, but unique way. Plus it helps that he's like a balloon." Ruby defended herself.

"Mmm... okay. That does make it kinda cute." Velvet admitted.

More of the ruins with Remobra's flying around was shown as Rage continued. "An Elder Dragon that floats through the sky. A bite of Earth, a drink of forest, it's a veritable god of the sky, made of the richest soil. Ancient trees grow thick on its back, like on a mountain. It's rumored to live near a forlorn, remote tower." Rage spoke in his mystic-sounding voice as two Remobra's were fighting over some meat, before flying away as the creature of discussion rose up near them and continued to fly through the sky. "This then, ladies and gentlemen, fellow hunters, is Yama Tsukami. An utterly bizarre, alien creature, drifting on high, a floating mountain dragon. It is utterly in a class all of its own... And it has tentacles!" Rage introduced the beast as a hunter fought it with a pair of icy dual blades as it floated in the middle of a round temple structure, before happily pointing out its tentacles.

An elderly man made a loud, echoing click noise with his mouth. "Nice." He declared as Yama Tsukami moved onto the screen.

Many agreed with Rage on how odd it is. "I think this is one type of squid or octopus I'd skip eating." Blake said, off-put by the floating mass.

"It almost looks more like an alien than an animal." Ilia said.

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